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Flower of Evil korean drama review
Flower of Evil
3 people found this review helpful
by Parthivi
Oct 3, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

An incomplete story in other drama, completed here

Ok let me start here by saying that in K-Drama, I love myself a misunderstood, cold, dark sometimes sociopathic male leads. This trope is something that is extremely rare to find. A lot of such tropes work by rarely involving a romantic track. My second last show that had a similar premise was "He is Psychometric" from which I was extremely disappointed.

Spoiler Alert(He is Psychometric)
Both shows had a character with an internal conflict of considering yourself a monster and not deserving of love, being diagnosed with heavy mental disorders, denying all sorts of affection from others because the character considered themselves that broken. I was heartbroken in that show because the romance track could never blossom and the character in the end was not able to redeem himself. I was so frustrated with the ending of that storyline that I am still pissed off months after finishing it.

End of Spoiler.

I rarely show an interest in a show about a married couple. But this show kept me hooked for this freaking amazing family. It corrected all the problems I had with "He is Psychometric". Showed real, emotional and amazing growth in the characters. And I was extremely satisfied while watching this.

Le Jun Ki is phenomenal. His eyes can show a range of emotions without even speaking anything. For the first few episodes, I felt he was miscast because he was never looking scary enough for a psychopath. But he acting was just perfect since he had to act someone misunderstood to be a psychopath. Moon Che Won again was phenomenal as our female lead. Remembering her as the fiesty one in Innocent Man, I knew she would have that maturity and just enough bad-ass-ness to conquer as Ji Won, the amazing wife and a cop.

I thought some supporting storylines got boring by the end, but anyways I still enjoyed all the characters journey. I have to say Ji won had the best Office Colleagues who supported her in so many ways. They were extremely underrated. Hae Soo and Repoter Kim was sweet, funny and bittersweet. Reporter Kim was hilarious. And the guy to played the OG Baek Hae Soon was also amazing. Starting his introduction as childlike and innocent turning into psychotic, he was amazing.

PS: Special mention to the actress who played the kid, Eun Ha. Man that little girl is a doll and such an natural performance that your heart will melt everytime she is on screen.

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