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Not Typical Story, Not Typical Romance.
First I have to say this Drama has such beautiful OST, I gave 10 out of 10 for that. I especially love "Opposite" by Zang Zi Ning, and everytime emotional or warm scene appear I would hear the music in the background. (Been waiting to be available in iTunes!!!)The plot can be confusing and incomplete, but I do still enjoy the story since it's fantasy anyway. The story can be better but everything was fresh, the ideas, the character and the land setting itself.
What I like about this drama....
1. There's no such misunderstanding scene for the two Lead, Ling Long always trust Yuan Yi and she accepts him regardless what's happen in the past about the Yuan's Clan. Both of them has this ultimate trust and even if there's no words of love, their trust is pretty much another form of love.
2. The romance is there and not really there. Yuan Yi clearly likes Ling Long, they both sacrificed for each others and they both trust each other. There's this small and special moments which perfect of the story. And for me their relationship is pure, I mean of course they play as a young King and young maiden so it's kinda expected.
As for Huo TuXin and Yin Zhuang, it's actually kinda sad, but YZ always knew HTX feeling but they simply have to choose different path in life. For Wu Yuan, she likes HTX and loves him till the end.
3. The bad guys aren't completely hateful. We Sheng Yan such interesting bad guy character, he has his own reasoning for creating such chaos and trying to control the Goddess. And, even though he's bad guy, his honesty toward YZ makes him human. Even Zhu Xi wasn't completely the bad guy I hate, they way he loves his youngest son kinda sweet and how at the end he supports Yuan Yi somehow gives him
I feels like there'll be second season, but not sure. I mean there's not really a cliffhanger, but some details might need to get more clarity.
For me Ling Long is such a beautiful character, and the way she said, "Yuan Yi" stucks in my head. There's so much emotion in that two words. I also like Yuan Yi where he's strong, smart and mature character despite his age. I really miss Ling Long and Yuan Yi when the drama ends.
I would give it 8 overall, the story can be better, but the cast, the chemistry, the ideas and the interesting story was perfect for me.
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Love the Story & Character Development
I have been waiting for this drama since like... forever, so I'm super excited when it comes out. I'm bit bias since I'm Xiao Zhan fans but when I watched the first 2 Eps, I'm hooked.What I like about this drama...
1. The best thing about this drama is how the seven character, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhu Qing, Ou Si Ke, Ning Rong Rong, Dai Mu Bai, Ma Hong Jun grow together, learn to be better person and find true friendship. I overall likes the story and I even watched the anime (in which more complicated story) to understand better, which not yet completed so let's see. I grew fond with all characters and not only to the two ML, each and one of them has problems and completely different characters, but they are the best team when they are together.
NRR grew from childish young lady to a brave girl who will stand for her friend.
DMB starts from arrogant and proud aristocrat to a team player guy who manage to fall in love.
OSK finds his true passion and embrace his true talent proudly.
ZZQ able to find friendship with NRR and XW, and her obsession with DMB ends up sweet.
MHJ manage to overcome his own power and find family.
I wish Xiao Wu would also have more character development, but coming from who she actually is giving me better understanding on her behaviour. Tang San already has strong character from the beginning so his development is not as much as the others but still meaningful.
2. No romance, romance. It's such rare to find drama with little romance but meaningful, that's how I describe the two ML relationship, and I love it. They started of as friends, and more like two lost soul without family, so their feelings grew more as family first than lovers. ZZQ and DMB love story also an interesting one, and kinda cute to watch.
I give this drama over all 9, the cast, the acting, the story and the character development are the perfect combo for me. The production quality can be better of course but since this drama has been on the shelf for a very long time it manage to looks good in 2021.
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Beautiful, Story you would never expect, Charming & Sweet
I started this drama because of Zhang BinBin and end up enjoying one of his best performance~I'm not sure where to start but let me go with the view, regardless this drama production isn't the best one, but they did a good job for film location. I love where the film the first part of the drama, it's so gorgeous and beautiful that I really wanna visit the Shangri La. The CGI pretty decent, not superb but it's sufficient for the story.
Then the story about Rattan Alien who fall in love with a Human, and having a fight with her alter ego, her old Master and a bunch of Sect! Hahaha~ Trust me this is the most interesting storyline I've come across and I've seen many drama in my life to tell you how Original and Refreshing the story is.
The script itself is good, nothing that outstanding but I really enjoy how Si Teng present herself when she speaks.
The costume definitely one of the best so far. I like how classic Si Teng is, her hair, her makeup, her dress was beautiful and strong. And of course Qin Fang was, Oh My Dashing and charming everytime. They really do justice for both actors, both of them really looks at their best.
All the eye candies is just a complimentary, and the main key of this drama would be Si Teng, Qin Fang and Yan Fu Rui. Their relationship development, friendship and how they end up as a team.
Si Teng is strong and I can say one of the perfect character so far I've come across. She stays strong until the end and I like how she didn't get weak until the end, she stay true to her character. Qin Fang is gentleman and a good guy, I like how he conveys his emotions and how his relationship with Si Teng grew slow yet strong and build with trust. Their chemistry is just perfect!I cry with with Qin Fang when he met Si Teng again, it's such beautiful, the song fits and BinBin really play the role perfectly, filled with emotion and the best so far from him!
And, of course everything wouldn't complete without Fu Rui, he's such an amazing support for Si Teng & Qin Fang, his acting and his presence make the trio complete.
Of course there's small parts that I don't really like, but I can overcomes all for overall story, cast and production! There's an option for the ending so it's up to us to decide, but of course I prefer happy ending!
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Too Sweet for Life!
First I would say I'm in love with the two leads, Hyun Seung & Song Ah are just the perfect couple. Their story is completely makes you feels like you're also in love. Both of the lead chemistry so real that they manage to take you on their love journey.This drama, even if it's focused on the HS & SA, didn't left of all the supporting character stories, which makes it so special and complete in my view. The relationship between Ha Eun and Hyun Seung, Yun Seung & her husband, and how she deals with her family matter is something that's heartwarming and shows her true feeling for the family and for the husband, it is true love for her. Surprisingly I also enjoyed Ji Seung and Jae Woon story, it's pretty fresh and funny.
I like that I don't find many cliche and draggy story, I can enjoy the whole ride of this drama with many emotions, and a lot of laughs. It's a good drama to watch on Sunday with a hot choco or tea in a cold weather, it just has that vibes.
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Good Start - Cliffhanger
Okey, so I started this drama and I like the whole casting and acting, but somehow the story turn a little unclear at the end when the 3rd guy showed up in the story. I think they want to build the story for him for the Season Two but he's just so unnecessary for the 1st Season.Both lead have good acting. Their chemistry is just perfect at first, but suddenly they have like too many old trope of misunderstanding and unnecessary sacrifice. It's actually pretty annoying, but I still manage to finish the story somehow. I will still continue because I like the both lead, they're nice to watch, and I like the Soundtrack, it's beautiful. And, regardless it's bit messy and unlear, I do still wonder how the story unfolds, so it will be interesting.
Here I am continue to season two~
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Cute Monsters, Beautiful Story & Chen Kun
I've been waiting for this Movie because of course Chen Kun, and also because it's been quite some time there's pretty much Good Chinese Costume Movie.What's good about this movie is the emotion, relationship between the character ( including the animated one), and how the story flows. For me it's pretty much quite obvious who is the bad guy judging by the Trailer and the Cast, so no big surprise. But regardless, I do still enjoy this Movie.
Bai Ni and Qin Ming definitely my two fave char, their chemistry is just strong for them, it's love in a bittersweet and sincere one. Boya, the Red Monster and Shen Le has this unique relationship due to circumstances, they start off bickering and ends up helping each other. I'm also very fond with the somehow all the monsters, some of they are just adorable.You can feel the family bonding in this movie a lot, especially all the scenes in Qin Ming house, how every char behave towards each other are just heartwarming.
I couldn't talk this movie without the acting of Chen Kun, as Qin Ming he gave such a great presence, the acting superb, and he's able to tone down a little bit for this movie in my opinion as he can be very domineering but he somehow let the other character shine with their own story. I love Shen Yue acting, she's such a funny character and it suit her appearance. William Chan also did a good job here.
The CGI for me is pretty good, from overall production I can see how much they put efforts on the details. It's a movie worth your time to enjoy!
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Even after the 2nd Time, I Still Enjoy This!
I love this drama, the story line, the cast (of course), the chemistry, the costume and overall production of this drama. You can tell if they put a lot of budget and efforts for year 2017 it's above the average.It's been quite sometime after I watched this drama, but I'd rewatched this for couple of times, and I still enjoy it every time. I like the fact on how Yuan Ling & Feng Qing falls in love at the first time, their story was sweet. But, I like it more when they met for the second time how they end up falling in love again.
From the beginning, I'm expecting that there'll be pretty much long misunderstanding but that doesn't stop YL & FQ showing off chemistry on screen and it's fun to watch. I also like how the relationship changed on the 2nd part between YL and his brothers.
It's an enjoyable drama to watch, and worth my time. And, of course William Chan is just really good here ;)
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A beautifully different story.
I give this 10 out of 10 for this drama, and it's all started with the Trailer. I probably watched the trailer itself for like hundreds of time because it's really beautiful."Shootings sky can re-appear in the sky, withered flower can bloom again..." this is just one of my favorite line amongst many.
My first impression of this drama is the beautiful scenery, beautiful script and good makeup (I often find Chinese drama didn't really put good makeup quality) :D Of course I need to talk about the cinematography, it was was stunning, I can see they put so much efforts on the production (In which I didn't find this in the 2nd season so I'm bit reluctant to watch it). This is also the first time I come across Chen Fei Yu in drama, and he did a good job for a pretty much novice actor. Ning Que really left a special impression for me, I mean he's not typical ML and the truth about his actual background which reveal at the end of the Season 1 is just perfect, it gives the fact that not only special person can get what they wants, sometimes a very great efforts can also made you reach your goals. For me Ning Que will always be Fei Yu with his charm, and comic expression.
The relationship between NQ and SS in season 1 wasn't about romance, it's like a little only. For me I see it, more about devotion and family, they both has been together almost entire of their lives, they've been taking care of each other since like very young, and it's awkward for them, so I like the fact that they didn't rush NQ and SS relationship here. NQ also has this fling with Mo Shan Shan and Ye Hong Yu, and they way the story unfold between them was subtle and special in their own way. Every feelings conveys beautifully from these three cast.
I also like the plot twist on how Long Qing turned from Angel to Devil, it shows how greed and turned people into someone else. At first I don't expect much of this character, but the actor did such amazing job here.
The fighting scene in this drama was perfect, I really like it, the CGI also flawless and bit difficult to find good one especially back then at 2018. Despite the incomplete story, Ever Night is such a great drama for me.
Maybe I will watch Season 2, try to watched eps 1 and everything was so different in quality already, but for now I probably goes and rewatch this Season again.
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