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Crazy Love korean drama review
Crazy Love
2 people found this review helpful
by Gaomi
May 4, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

Decent watch!

A very decent and not so artificial drama that is more like the other romantic drama with 2 crazy leads
Crazy love is your typical romantic kdrama with all the cliches but it's quite different from others drama due to its craziness.
It's a about a very popular maths instructor and his secretary who they both hated each other and started as reel couple to a real couple the most unfamiliar thing was how this male lead was not born with a silver spoon he worked hard for all the success and that was the bonus point but i hated just one thing that how treated his employees like he has himself know the value of hardwork how can he treat them like that i just hated that fact.
Now about romantic aspect the romance was good not so all over the top because it has some thriller and the suspense was not so hard to guess it was your regular thriller no more than that.the leads chemistry was good Krystal was also so good in this one.
I didn't actually remember the music
It's a one time watch for decent story and nothing much
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