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Something in My Room: Uncut thai drama review
Something in My Room: Uncut
2 people found this review helpful
by rr_dramas
Jan 7, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
I so enjoyed watching this show! The plot was fantastic and I was intrigued until the very end. The acting was pretty solid, especially the emotional scenes. The main leads had really great chemistry and I enjoyed the progression of their relationship. The fact that we didn't know how Phob died until later in the show was great because it allowed the watcher to try to figure out what happened to him and be suspicious towards a lot of the side characters. I was not expecting to cry, but cry I did. The play episode was really special and I really felt emotionally invested in Phob and Ben's relationship, which is a true testament to the script as well as the actors because I think they only had like two episodes together. The last episode was absolutely fantastic and had be BAWLING like the last 20 minutes.

The ONLY reason this show wasn't a 10/10 was because of the whole unexplained mystery light thing. Was it aliens? Was it a spirit? I guess we'll never know. It was an interesting concept, just wished they had followed through.

I 100% recommend this drama!
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