This is an engaging short series exploring the experiences of a young woman who has failed in her dream to become a teacher in circumstances which seem to have resulted in her having a breakdown. As a teacher she was excellent with the pupils and supported them strongly but had to leave the profession and stayed with her sister for a time. When she felt stronger she secured a position as a live-in house mother for a struggling idol group who were facing losing their contract in six months. She commits herself to supporting them to become successful. One of the trainees is an old pupil of hers and they develop a close relationship which never actually oversteps boundaries.
This is genuinely feel-good series. There is conflict and people fight, there are jealousies and malice at times, but issues are usually resolved very easily and quite quickly. For me, they young ML, supposed to be something of a romantic lead did not work as such: he was very moody and crap at communicating - with anyone - but was supposed to be a great songwriter. Well, that happens sometimes. The House mother was efficient and cheerful - in fact she was determined to be cheerful and supportive at all times. People would downright insult her, or try to, and she accepted their words and promised to do better. A little hard to stomach, but it was well handled.
I enjoyed this series. Most of the characters were well written and pretty well-rounded, even f a lot of the writing seemed saccharine sometimes. The storyline did a good job of approximating a believable idol experience, though it was a little too smooth sailing in my view. But it made an enjoyable easy watch.
One disappointment was the music and performance levels of the band. They didn't work for me - the music production values were much too soft and lacked any impact and as a result, the choreo and dance skills (which were a bit stronger) didn't match the songs.
This is genuinely feel-good series. There is conflict and people fight, there are jealousies and malice at times, but issues are usually resolved very easily and quite quickly. For me, they young ML, supposed to be something of a romantic lead did not work as such: he was very moody and crap at communicating - with anyone - but was supposed to be a great songwriter. Well, that happens sometimes. The House mother was efficient and cheerful - in fact she was determined to be cheerful and supportive at all times. People would downright insult her, or try to, and she accepted their words and promised to do better. A little hard to stomach, but it was well handled.
I enjoyed this series. Most of the characters were well written and pretty well-rounded, even f a lot of the writing seemed saccharine sometimes. The storyline did a good job of approximating a believable idol experience, though it was a little too smooth sailing in my view. But it made an enjoyable easy watch.
One disappointment was the music and performance levels of the band. They didn't work for me - the music production values were much too soft and lacked any impact and as a result, the choreo and dance skills (which were a bit stronger) didn't match the songs.
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