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Dog Knows Everything korean drama review
Dog Knows Everything
4 people found this review helpful
by Curious_about_everything
Nov 2, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A delightful and uplifting journey.

This is my first review. I am really surprised to see that there aren't any reviews here.This drama truly deserves more hype, which is why I felt compelled to share my thoughts.

If you're fed up with the cliche or serious plots and are looking for something that's light-hearted but still engaging, this drama is perfect for you.While it touches on various crime stories, it doesn't get too heavy or intense.It's really fun to see how a dog and an elderly man team up to crack murder cases.
The tale of friendship and family.We often highlights the challenges faced by the youth, but we rarely focus on the struggles of the elderly.What's their pov?It’s fascinating to see how they navigate their own difficulties.One day, when we’re older, we might find ourselves relating to their experiences.A big shout out to the director and scriptwriter for selecting this type plot.Some stories bring us joy and laughter, while others touch our hearts and evoke sadness.
Here are some of my favorite moments that made me laugh: The award for funniest character definitely goes to Lee Gi Dong and Im Chae Moo. My absolute favorite scene was the carrot screen, and entire 8 episode (hilarious and unexpected)

Everyone's performances were fantastic.

I think the drama's weak point was that some of the crime plotlines just weren't well done or engaging for me.

Overall it's a feel good and heart warming drama. It's definitely worth your time, so give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.

Personal ratings : 8.3/10
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