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IM YourOnlyOne

Parallel World from the Future

IM YourOnlyOne

Parallel World from the Future
Forecasting Love and Weather korean drama review
Forecasting Love and Weather
38 people found this review helpful
by IM YourOnlyOne
Apr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 10
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

A must watch if you want to learn about life and relationships

If you are looking for a show about life and relationships, "Forecasting Love and Weather" is it. However, if you are looking for a feel-good, very romantic touchy-feely, "I want this show to fit my biased imaginary romantic fantasy", then skip it.

"Forecasting Love and Weather" is about life and relationships. It is about the decisions we make, why we make them, and the repercussions of those decisions. This is not about your favourite actors having a blissful romantic butterfly-in-the-stomach story, this is about relationships between parents and children, supervisor and subordinate, a person's relationship with their work and officemates, between married couples, ex-couples who became friends (yes, it does happen in real-life far more frequently than society wants you to believe), how people change, how people regret things and what they learn from it.

In short, LIFE.

And they did well in portraying and tell the story of the different scenarios people do experience in real-life, out there in the real-world. The pain, the joy, reality itself. Every single scenario, every single decision, were true-to-life, scenarios that many people actually experienced.

The poetic monologues in the beginning and ending of each episode were also deep and very appropriate. It pierces through our hearts and souls. More than that, they tied weather patterns into various relationships. Who would've thought that we reframe weather forecasting in such a way? After having watched this series, it does make perfect sense … relationships, no matter what type it is, is like weather and forecasting. We may get it right, we may get it wrong. It may turn out correct but not exactly what we expected it to be, or it may be a very bad forecast but we push and find a way to learn and fix it.

Kudos as well to using the meteorological setting. Let's be honest, in every country in the world, the public always see meteorological agencies as "wrong", "not doing their job right", "should be defunded", we are forgetting that forecasting is forecasting and there are people working overtime, even to the point of unknowingly sacrificing their families and personal lives, just to give an accurate forecast.

Hopefully, this show would have had opened the eyes of the public to the kind of work and sacrifices meteorologists go through. Yes, they should not have prioritized their work over their families and personal lives, but we can not blame them when the public expects 100% accuracy, and if they their forecast turned out inaccurate, nations are in an uproar and wants to investigate and terminate them.

Which simply brings back to … this show is about LIFE and RELATIONSHIPS. If this is not your cup of tea, if you are looking for an escape from reality and live in a fantasy world, this is not the show for you.

But if you are looking for learn, then this is a perfect show.

Lastly, even though they chose the "and they ALL lived happily ever after", the road to that was well-written. They did not just jump into that conclusion, they still went through and highlighted the trials and tribulations of each relationship (romantic, family, parent-children, work). They avoided the common pitfall in the "they lived happily ever after" ending.

Well done. Touching. Memorable.

Best of all

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