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Intense Love chinese drama review
Dropped 19/24
Intense Love
12 people found this review helpful
by Shiro
Sep 8, 2022
19 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 4.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Petty Women

This was so bad it was actually really bad... So bad that I watched it till episode 12 but could not take it anymore so I skimmwatched the rest... with the occasional pause to watch the fluff...

As I am pretty sure the writer either has never met a woman in his entire life or has a lot of built up anger against them. Whatever it is he definitely has a lot of stereotypes and truley hates woman from the bottom of his heart as every single one of these women is portrayed as a childish, scheming, petty brat. Who speak cutsie like you should not speak to infants (but people do) and cry, or sceme for no particular reason. There is no logic to anything in this drama, the settings are all odd, the hospital makes no sense, neither the division of work or how it looks inside.

I honestly doubt the creators actually visited a hospital in their life (and for that I envy them) for example there is a scene with a kid in this Huuuuuge space, that just as to go through a crowd of people with cameras, like they could not go around the crowd but just had to go through it... this was of course good for the plot but, had me thinking what the....

The female lead is kind hearted at best and very forgiving of people who scheme against her, I am going to assume it is because she understands them too well as she too likes playing games and does not really seem to understand the value of communication. This woman is also a prime example of the dangers of falling for drama cliches that romanticise lack of consent. As she creates troubles in her mind and expects the male lead to force himself on her and is utterly disappointed when he does not. She is also slightly obsessed with feeding and getting fed. Girl you have hands, use them...

There is however a lot of fluff, the filming is fluffy, the kisses are fluffy, the hoodies are all fluff, fluff everywhere fluff... Umbrellas, snow... sunshine and yep even a fluffy cat, bird and kid. And a unicorn amoung C-dramas, parents that are not evil... odd but true. There are some cool scenes here and there, mostly slow mo... but still.

The male lead is they typical iceberg, why he falls for the female lead is a huge mystery for me unless he has a shallow side to his otherwise melting ice berg. but fine whatever floats his boat. He does seem to have basic respect for boundaries and is lovely to watch, yes he is indeed the reason I kept at it.

So in conclusion, for the love of whatever you believe in, do not make the same mistake as I did, it is just not worth it, unless you want to hate watch and get to write a review that is as much fun to write as I had writing this one is. or skip most of the scenes to watch the fluff, because the fluff is indeed top of the cotton candy swirl.

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