Barcelona: a very public love with a whole lot of P's
"Is I know Ill never love this way again... " as the leading OST for a movie about a guy who falls in love with a girl two years after his girl fiend died... is either extremely mismatched or a way to keep the audience on their toes...
That said, this is about a person who has to deal with a whole lot of pain, pressure and penitence who meets a princess in a bit of pickle... Betrayed and soles , precarious (desperate but that word does not start wit a p so this is close enough) in Barcelona. Which marks the start of pretty much any love story, no wait there is just this tiny little detail... the princess looks just like the persons partner who passed a way... and is supposed to be very much dead. Making this otherwise pretty basic plot jut a little bit more puzzling... The person is also kind of dependent of the parents of his parted partner and has a whole pile of problems with his own parents...
Ok enough with me trying to fit in a bunch of ps... basically Dude is living a life set up by his dead girlfriend and is juggling his pride with studies 3 jobs and a dad who keeps digging whole for him. Meets runaway girl who has f** up and just needs a second (or 10th) chance. They help each other out with their issues and well things get complicated, love and lust blooms and things get even more complicated.
All is done really well in a beautiful setting, a whole lot of emotions and a plot that besides the whole look a lie thing actually seems constant and makes sense... Ok the OST does not make and there are some solutions that are a bit out there but for a rom com it kind of works. The chemistry between the leads is well known to be good and does not disappoint at all, there are some good fights, good conversations and whole lot of gooey eyes.
Kathryn Bernardo does a great job playing two roles as well as showing character development. and the story while full of cheese and cliches also has a whole bunch of I would not say unique, but creative twists and turns so I would say they tackle the issue of pressure, perseverance, second chances and moving on pretty well. So basically if you enjoy rom coms and the Bernardo- Padilia duo this is defiantly a movie you will not want to miss. If you are new to the duo, this is not a bad place to start.
That said, this is about a person who has to deal with a whole lot of pain, pressure and penitence who meets a princess in a bit of pickle... Betrayed and soles , precarious (desperate but that word does not start wit a p so this is close enough) in Barcelona. Which marks the start of pretty much any love story, no wait there is just this tiny little detail... the princess looks just like the persons partner who passed a way... and is supposed to be very much dead. Making this otherwise pretty basic plot jut a little bit more puzzling... The person is also kind of dependent of the parents of his parted partner and has a whole pile of problems with his own parents...
Ok enough with me trying to fit in a bunch of ps... basically Dude is living a life set up by his dead girlfriend and is juggling his pride with studies 3 jobs and a dad who keeps digging whole for him. Meets runaway girl who has f** up and just needs a second (or 10th) chance. They help each other out with their issues and well things get complicated, love and lust blooms and things get even more complicated.
All is done really well in a beautiful setting, a whole lot of emotions and a plot that besides the whole look a lie thing actually seems constant and makes sense... Ok the OST does not make and there are some solutions that are a bit out there but for a rom com it kind of works. The chemistry between the leads is well known to be good and does not disappoint at all, there are some good fights, good conversations and whole lot of gooey eyes.
Kathryn Bernardo does a great job playing two roles as well as showing character development. and the story while full of cheese and cliches also has a whole bunch of I would not say unique, but creative twists and turns so I would say they tackle the issue of pressure, perseverance, second chances and moving on pretty well. So basically if you enjoy rom coms and the Bernardo- Padilia duo this is defiantly a movie you will not want to miss. If you are new to the duo, this is not a bad place to start.
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