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Utsukushii Kare Season 2 japanese drama review
Utsukushii Kare Season 2
17 people found this review helpful
by Shiro
Mar 3, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

A good sequel, left me wanting even more

The first season had a beautiful cover this season has a beautiful intro (the cover is ok too) that I actually watched for some reason, which I otherwise avoid. , It is also really good depiction of how frustrating it can be to be in love with a person with extremely low self esteem plus a bunch of other stuff...

This was yet again way way to short and less entertaining than the first season as our former jerk is no longer a jerk but more frustrating in an interesting kind of way... While the first season had this fun opposites attract, oddly entertaining openly jerk and creepy obsessed misfit to lover type deal... Surrounded by 1000 misunderstandings. In this season we get to listen to the boys inner thoughts, frustrations and miscommunication that leads to frustration type of deal.

The self awareness of the past has become more of a aware meets oblivious guy. Mr aware former jerk still has his issues with himself but has come a long way since the first season and tries to figure out how to approach mr oblivious low self esteem and get him to understand that he is not in a one sided love.... One would have thought living together, sleeping in the same bed and so on would have been enough for the guy to get a hint... but nee not this guy.

And well while mr oblivious (and others like him) may think they are being considerate towards their partners not wanting to overstep or take to much space. This type of behaviour is actually called out as hurtful in the most beautiful way. But it also had me thinking about dynamics, power and the less talked about pros of being submissive and happy to worship someone else, as well as the burden of being worshiped... Showing us some nuance instead of a pink and blue world..

I really love the character development that Mr Jerk of the past had towards becoming this open and aware guy, trying to change, trying to be honest about his feelings while still staying cool and a bit mysterious. He had some really good lines and was just a pleasure to watch. And while season one made me want to protect mr oblivious season 2 made me want to protect mr aware instead, and yes I love that about this show that it can make both the viewers and characters develop and see things from different angles in so little time. It is actually pretty impressive.

There are pretty pictures, a lovely moon and of course the yes the yellow rubber duck is indeed back too.

All in all a good sequel, that was way to short and shows a rare story that needed to be told.

P.S. I am sorry if non of this makes any sense it is Friday afternoon and I have had a long week...
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