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Novoland: Pearl Eclipse chinese drama review
Novoland: Pearl Eclipse
0 people found this review helpful
by EunAeYoon
Aug 17, 2022
48 of 48 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Good and entertaiining

This is the first series I've seen in the Novoland universe. I usually am not that interested in stories with too much fantasy elements like in the other series, mostly because CGI looks to unbelievable. But it was toned down very, when it came to the element of merfolk and it was simply used to drive the plot forward at certain points.

The acting was great for pretty much every character involved. I was surprised by the acting form the Emperor and, Ti Lin and Zhe Liu. The emperors eunuch was also great for comedic relief here and there.

The music which accompanied the series felt right throughout the series and was timed well.

They didn't go berserk with flashbacks, but they increased it a bit towards the end. Thankfully, it didn't feel too repetetive. I have in recent years become prone to fast forward in series, as soon as it makes me lose interest. But I didn't FF more than tops 15 minutes throughout the series, which says a lot.

The pacing of the story was for the most part good. They could've made a few parts less draggy, but all things considered it wasn't too much. The last 4 episodes, the plot felt a bit rushed. The last episode was great. Its one of the better made endings I've seen in a drama overall.

If you like a show which has a strong female lead in it, give this one a spin. While FL clearly has flaws, it wasn't emphasized too much, making it ridicilous. It felt grounded.
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