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Doctor X Season 5 japanese drama review
Doctor X Season 5
1 people found this review helpful
by EunAeYoon
Dec 20, 2017
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I was eagerly awaiting the 5th season of this show when I finished the 4th season. I fell in love with Daimon Michiko during the first season and I still do.

While the format of each episode is pretty much the same, it's also one of the good points about the series. It makes it easy to follow and you don't really have to think about whether you missed out on some major plot element.
During this season you see many of the faces you got to know in earlier seasons while they introduce a few new ones. It was refreshing to see a semi- teacher/student relationship, as it shows Daimon in a way acknowledge someone else for their skills.

Her catchphrase, "I never fail" might've gotten a bit old after 5 seasons, but it's also one of the lines you expect. When you hear it, you also know that things will be all right. If there's one thing I missed and I hope they do something about if they create a new season, its that she starts her own clinic/hospital. That would be interesting to see if you think back a couple of seasons.
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