A light hearted Romcom, with lots of comedy . Just the right mix
Watching a drama and loving it are two very different things and not always a drama hits the right spot.I loved it .
It was funny, cute, interesting, sometimes, somethings did get boring, but they sort of resolved it kinda well. This being a cdrama with 28 episodes, some cliché stuff did happen, which could have been bypassed, had this been a kdrama. For a 28 episode long drama, sometimes , it did feel like they stretched the story, but the best part is , that they managed it really well.
The story is not an entirely new concept, but the way it was portrayed was kind of really really sweet. The thing that really surprised me was this drama had 3 couples. Ive seen dramas mostly with 2 couples, but the way theybalanced everone onscreen was just awesome. Ive seen dramas, where the support lead couples have a pretty boring story , to the point where one can totally skip them, but this one's so very different, in that aspect. No couple other than the lead was not worth watching, each of them had their own story and the way it was perfectly blended was justamazing. At no point it felt that thesupport couples were stealing main couple's screen time and it was just perfect. There were times when it got a little repetitive. Iwont lie, i did skip few scenes of support couples, because all of them had a common thing that was "fight and then reunite", which did felt a little boring , but all three couples have their very different stories going on at different pace & different problems to deal with (The lead couple had a kid and a past traumatic history, another couple, where the female didnt want to get married, and another one where the doctor guy played hard to get, but eventually, had to pursue, the love of his life in the end). Anyhow, things turned out well.
I absolutely loved the family interactions (main couple). .
Coming to acting and chemistry. The lead couple was mind blowing. Imean, they had such a good chemistry, a lot of scenes gave me butterflies 🤭, it was brilliant , even the 2nd couple (cao mu x chen) were pretty good as well. Acting wise, everyone did a good job, but for obvious reasons, Quanquan stole everyone's ❤️ (i guess). He's been phenomenal. His dialogues, acting, expressions, everything's been amazing. It was just so cute seeing Quanquan and his papa play . My heart went Awwww.... seening how cute and sweet they were. Even support characters like Hardy &Cindy were pretty cool, nobody felt boring or overdoing. Oh yes ! How can i forget, the conversations between the lead couple. They were so sweet , them talking about their work, life , future, the lovey-dovey talks. Beautiful. the FL is so pretty. LOVED every bit of the drama.
Music was pretty fine. Cinematography was great too. And yes I loved God of Wealth's house (it was awesome) .
Overall, its a really good drama , where emotions, comedy, love, business, everything's pretty well balanced. If you're looking for a light Romcom (that could give you 🦋 butterflies ) , you're at the right place .
Watch it . Its good.
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Maybe not the best choice, but definitely a good choice
Truth be said, I watched it solely for Xu Kai. I've always loved his works, and this being a modern setting drama, I just couldn't miss this.Story : It will test your patience, and reward you for having it . Lemme give a background: ITS NOT A ROMCOM. If you're here for romance, you might be disappointed. But, if you wanna watch a family drama , THIS IS IT. (You would relate to the story much more, if you happen to be Asian (specially south/east))
Initially, first couple of episodes went by really fine . FL's ex seemed so fine to me that i thought why would she ever break up with him , but as the story unfolded it became crystal clear , why? The mom seemed too selfish, intrusive and nagging towards her children , for about half of the drama. But, once you get to know about her past , you just understand her character better. I personally really hated FL's mom for initial half of the drama, but once that mother-daughter scene came around , everything became clear, like the sky clears down after a thunderstorm.
Its an FL centric drama, where the world revolves around her family (read: mother) and her work . On work front , she's a brilliant person who outshines when given the opportunities. She had ample amount of hurdles along her path , but they only made her stronger and unstoppable. In the family , she's a daughter, elder sister and a granddaughter. She is a person with strong character, maturity and sense of responsibility. She's the kind of daughter every parent would wish to have (especially south east asian).
In the first half , there is mostly lots of politics going on in the workfront, and nagging at home for the FL, also her ex is all over the place. I felt the second half of the drama was much more balanced , as we could see the characters for who they truely were, for example, FL's mom became a lot more tolerable (for me), we get to know Zhiming wasn't really a cunning, selfish boss, his past was unfolded in later episodes, FL's workplace became more stable & we could see her hardwork coming to fruition.
Acting : I absolutely loved Kai and Yang zi. All of the cast for that matter have done a really good job. It was my first time watching Yang Zi. Be it the mother daughter confrontation scene , or her grandma's funeral, her performance was so pure and soulful.
Xu Kai's just been amazing like always. Be it being tacky, getting emotional, crying , teasing ,laughing or whatsoever, his expressions are always on the mark. It was great seeing him in a modern drama.
What I feel they missed: Huan and Zhiming's wedding. I wish they could have included that .
Summary :
If you're up for a family drama, with just enough romance to make you smile time to time , you should definitely give this a go. Its beautiful in terms of filial love, paternal love & sibiling's affection portrayed in this drama. I feel it touches upon almost every relatonship one encounters in their life time . Its simply satisfying.
A good watch.
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Great watch. A drama that'll make your heart flutter.
First things first, If you are someone who enjoys romcom, then this is THE drama for you.A little Background here:
Starting off 2023 with dramas like The Glory, The good Bad Mother (and having watched Youth of May, recently), I was just browsing MDL for a good Romcom, and I stumbled upon this drama & fell head over heels in love with it. If you read the drama synopsis on MDL, it doesn't sound very appealing, as the theme feels somewhat cliché, something very commonly seen in Cdramas, but what really caught my attention was the rating ... ahem... it was 9.1 (while it was AIRING. Yes, you read it right).
....and that's how this drama entered the 'currently watching' tab in my watchlist.
Coming to my thoughts about the drama:
Acting: I've never seen any dramas of these actors, but after watching it, my final thoughts are that they've done a freaking good job. CZY, Luci, Victor, they were just fantastic . I was touched by seeing the acting of CZY and Luci in the segment where she flew down to Yihe , to tell Jia Xu about her crushing over him since high school ; it was an emotional scene beautifully executed by them. It made me go' aww....' . Another scene when Jia Xu's dad passed away & the cemetery scene, they did such a good job (my eyes welled up every time Jia Xu cried , amazing performance by CZY).
Plot: Like I mentioned earlier, the theme isn't something out of the blue, but the way the story was tied up, just brilliant. Its a novel adaptation (which I haven't read YET), so cant compare the two, but looking at he end result, feels like they did a pretty good job. I absolutely loved the character development of Sang Zi, Jia Xu and Sang Yan. It was amazing witnessing their character growth and the process of maturing to adults, capable of taking important life decisions & also, I really enjoyed Sang Yan and Sang Zi's shenanigans throughout the drama.
I think this line is very apt for describing the drama: (Sang Zi's lines from the last episode)
"It is the story of 22 year old Jia Xu to 22 year old Sang Zi"
So, the bottom line is: If you love Rom-coms, and are looking for some heart fluttering moments & a drama that gives you butterflies 🦋 and a good chunk of laughter, this is IT.
& even if that doesn't convince you, how about CZY & his chiseled jawline ?
A solid 10 /10.
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Best example of "How to ruin a drama"
I had better expectations. Everyone had, I guess. I first saw Yi Ran in Falling into your smile, and after watching him as Zhang Lu Rang in WIFTY, i wanted to try this one out .Initial couple of episodes were so freaking good , thati thought to myself " wow! Thismight surpass WIFTY".
But alas! Ever since they got together, the way the script writer butchered the story and a perfectly good chemistry between the leads leaves me with just one word: Terrible
I felt that the drama had its plotlines spanning 30 eps, spread haywire. Its like they reach to conclusion on one issue, and then they begin with next one. I think, this approach to the story didn't work out very well.
For example, initial couple of episodes, they were exclusively fixed on silvershop and ML's uncle, then their relationship and after they got together, they set in another direction with Shen Juan's shooting career (which was pretty much everything in the second half of the drama). The FL' s mom getting crazy & then sick .... ughhh
Next, after he did achieve something professionally, they introduced the jealous outburst of Xi (his uncle's apprentice). Near the end they diverted the story again towards wan Yi Yang 's career.
And in the end Lin Yu Jing got some job away from him, for which they didn't show them communicating, or talking it out. And what a horrible way toend the drama? What ? They graduated.. the end ?seriously. What about herjob , what did she decide on.
This felt like watching Avengers Infinity war. The story just ended midway.
On the contrary, if you compare this with HL, they had the basic framework planned very well, and as the story progressed, they wove a beautiful story by the end.
Same goes with WIFTY. Where nothing came out of the blue, every transition was gradual, and hence worked out very well.
Every story has its highlights, & this one had some too. I gave this an initial rating of 9 based on 1st half of the show, and due to the above stated reasons, brought it down to 7.5
I loved the strong and independent female lead, who's qualities are much more than just being cute and following around ML, like a puppy. The ML on the other hand hashis qualities as well. He's got cute smile (and oh! those dimples), he has his flaws and is ready to accept and work on them (the wasy he talked to FL's mom when she was sick, Shen Juan won my heart). He was cool, he worked hard, he fought & won his battles. Shen Juan is a strong character . It was a pleasure watching the 1st half drama. It would've been better had they ended it at 20 episodes max. Because the last 10 eps are useless.
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Good watch.
The reason why i watched this drama is the ML, i was waiting for a long time for this modern drama of xu kai, and i kinda liked it.Some may say the plot wasnt up to the mark, but what i have to share is that:
I really did enjoy watching this drama. As opposite to the trailer, this drama presents a lot of office politics and stuff, (which in my opinion hasnt been clearly portrayed in the trailer).
If you are bingewatching, good for you, coz the way every episode ends on clifhangers,oh man! I had a hardtime waiting.
Definitely toward the end of the show , things could have been better. Not a fan of last minute reconcilations so...truthfully speaking ...it hurts when such lovely couples get separated.
All those lovey-dovey things in the trailer....goes by without much focus in the actual drama , they mostly talk work almost all the time.
But i did have a good share of laugh and giggles , and i would totally agree to that.
The way the office politics is portrayed seems so real and i specially love the dynamic relationship Qin Shi has with her colleague Li Dai, i mean i just find it amazing, how they tease and taunt each other but stand united when need be.
I love the character of Yang Hua, he's awesome. 1000x thumbs up (those who have watched the drama will understand ;)
Some people have raised the issue that ...he should've been more persistent and shouldnt have let go Qin Shi so easily, but i beg to differ.
Like he himself mentioned "he didnt wanted to be an excuse". All he wanted to hear from Qin Shi was her confession. Anyway
Qin Shi is a strong independent woman. We all know ..
What i didnt like was the parallel story of mei mei, i mean , i find the character of mei mei in exact contrast to that of qin shi(both strong independent working women but totally different ideologies in marriage matters). That is to say one is exact opposite to the other, where one is afraid of taking risks, and the other is constantly taking risks (i cant believe how could she put up with qin wen yu for so long . She should have divorced him the 1st time she caught him cheating, why tolerate?)
How qin shi was so apprehensive about her own marriage is totally understandable, she grew up in a family with so many relationship issues, its normal for a person to become the way she was.
The climax disappoints me because, the whole purpose of divorce was sidelined, by their 5 minute rushed up reconcilation in the end. Matter-of-factly, qin shi never actually confessed her love to yanghua. I think in this...writers should have done something. I mean there were so many ways, to move toward a more satisfying ending , but sadly they didnt give it much thought , or maybe there was more of it . A lot of people have said that, they had to cut a lot of scenes, to make it fit in the 40 E thing... maybe there is more.....i really really hope it gets out eventually(if there is)......it just feels a bit iffy.
I mean there are scenes that abruptly end, for example , the night yang hua was playing video games in qin shi's room. He said he wanted to ask something , which we never got to hear, and then we find him playing videogames after a while .
There are a lot of similar instances. Also the ending scene . All they do is hug and then BAM!!!! Problem solved , they reconcile, without qin shi ever confessing her love , so ultimately, it was Yang Hua , who came backmto qin shi AGAIN!!.
Like I mentioned before, i feel that the teaser was totally inappropriate, wrt the content of drama. Its like they combined all the lovey-dovey scenes into a trailer, just like that. It hardly had enough office related stuff, which i found misguiding . From the initial teaser, it appeared to be more on the romantic side, given the title as well. I believe this is why a lot of people are discontent with it .
But in my opinion :
I feel that the story was really good as far as the story progression is concerned . It kept me hooked up. Obviously the divorce in E36 was heartbreaking, it was necessary though. Think with the perspective of real life for once.... what yang hua did was something anyone would do. It was necessary. And No! He isnt rude with FL. After getting to know about Qin Shi's true feelings though li dai, Yang hua was constantly present on screen expressing his love for qin shi.
But but but ..... its just the ending that i didnt like.
Firstly, we never hear Qin Shi confessing her love to yanghua, which is really sad.
Secondly, their reconcilation was delayed to the last 5 minutes.
Thirdly, i feel there should have been more of communication between the leads , toward resolving their differences, near the end .
I think that could have been a better ending.
Another thing, i didn't like is the time frame of the drama .
2 years is too less to become what qin shi has become in cheng and hui
And 7 years relationship with tao junhui is just too much.
In my opinion, they should've made it more like 5years relationship with tao junhui & atleast 4 to 5 year history of working at the firm.
And near they end ...there's a time gap of 7 months .... i believe its too much. It should be like 3 months (that should suffice).
There were sad, happy, exciting , competitive, relaxing , soothing....and many more moments in this drama . I wouldn't say it was the best ive ever watched , coz truthfully speaking, i was expecting better from this drama. It wasn't that
spectacular, i was hoping it'd be. But i relly liked it , wish we had more Qin shi and Yang Hua screen time but...on end note ..i liked it.
You know what..... I'll give it a thumbs up
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Turned out to be the OPPOSITE of good.
Why did I pick this drama ?Because I've watched Rain or shine & The Red Sleeve, liked them both. I THOUGHT this one would be excellent. Turns out its not (and worse, far from good)
It was my first drama of Yoona as FL. A good plot and a good acting are two different things. I haven't really covered Acting, because I found the characters ridiculous (and acting was based on that. They did well)
(I loved Jun Ho's acting in The Red Sleeve, cant really comment on this one , coz I hate Gu Won).
I dont understand how and why people repeatedly compare this with business proposal. They're so freaking different. Business Proposal was damn good & King the Land is not even close.
I felt BP had a much better plot compared to this. Not just the ML &FL but SML &SFL we so worth watching. It was humorous, had depth in the story as well as the characters, also the romantic development was gradual (& made a lot more sense).
King the land has lots of cons. Still, I think why people like it so much is because it presents the story like a fairy tale. (Too shiny, but unrealistic )
There are dramas, that keep you awake all night, but this one turned out to be a sleeping pill for me. Initial couple of episodes were so boring, I literally fell asleep.
Who is Gu Won? Seriously, they glamourized him so much in the drama, that they forgot to show his character development. No matter what the situation, our prince charming solves the issues in a blink. The first episode did mention how he went back to europe , finished his education and came back years later, but still, the ease with which he does things is just so fancy and unreasonable. We almost never see him working . All he does whole day is, sitting in his comfortable chair and gawking at Sarang's photos and texts (or worse disturbing her at work ), and when reminded of his duties by manager No, drives him out of the office, throwing cushions aimed at him (& sadly, often misses the target) .
During the initial days of joining the hotel, the way Gu won behaved was utterly ridiculous. Him being a crybaby everytime someone smiled, or mentioned his mother was just too much. Given his status , educational background & the competitive environment at work, his character should be a lot more serious and mature.
Why does Sarang like Gu Won?
Why does Gu Won like Sarang? Their relationship lacks development. It shouldn't have been so spontaneous.
Some things just makes no sense at all (especially the employee trip (horrible plotline). There are just too many loopholes in the story.
In terms of comedy as well, its definately not on the same page with Business Proposal. It has humor, I agree on that. The plot has its share of hilarious moments ( my favorite being : This place looke familiar though(followed by an overcoat flick)) (The Red Sleeve reference) .
(But, the comedic elements in BP; much better).
Its an entertainer, agree. But, so not worth the hype. Truth be told, it wasn't surprising to watch the ratings stoop down from 8.8 to 8.4 (I think it'll go lower🤞🏻).
I'm still wondering. Is it really worth my 6.5 rating 🤔?
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A story of Exquisite Agony !
I watched 'From Me to You' days ago, and instantly fell in love with the acting (and smile) of the guy who played Kazahaya San. It broke my heart, finding the sad truth about demise of Miura Haruma, and worst of all, the feeling that i can not anticipate upcoming works of this brilliant artist.I watched sky of love only for Haruma. I didn't even bother reading the synopsis which became one of the reasons , why my soul was pierced by this beautifully painful story.
I've been feeling sad since past one day, hence writing this review as a therapeutic outlet.
It's a beautiful tale of first love. Hiro and Mika, two highschoolers fall in love. Mika is a cheerful young girl,while hiro is a rough tough blondie. Their joyful beginnings are overshadowed by the harsh realities of life. The heartbreak of losing a child early in their relationship sets the stage for an emotionally charged journey. But the story takes a turn with Hiro's sudden indifferent attitude. At this point, I couldn't stop myself from fast forwarding near the end, only to find a bedridden Hiro. Even such a crucial spoiler couldn't save me from shedding tears when the moment of revelation came.
All I can say about the acting is , they made me cry.
I am a sentimental person. I get teary eyed every single time I'm watching an emotional story/scene, but tears rolling down my cheek is something on another level. The river side talks between Hiro and Mika (after their reunion) , Hiro crying, pleading he didn't want to die. It was so damn emotional. And the last 15 -20 minutes were just ....🤌🏻
If you have a liking for impactful stories,
and don't mind bawling your eyes out,
If your heart can take the load, then go ahead,
Watch this beautiful story.
You Will Not Regret.
(PS: Please keep a box of tissues)
Miss you Miura !!
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Cute fluffy, heartwarming drama.
If you finished a thriller/intense/ emotional drama, and want to watch something nice and cute, with not much load, lemme tell you, you've come to the right place. The best part is there is no scheming evil person.The story is pretty much simple (cliché), about a bunch of highschoolers, who fall in love and have their happily ever after.
I feel this drama has certain similarities with few others, so 'Disclaimer for this review' I might go ahead comparing bits and pieces with other dramas. Acting and cast were fine ( It was a pleasure watching Ai Jia (form 'Falling into your smile' ) (😆 lol, I still call him that). Coming to music, that one song in english that plays in the later half (i guess), its amazing.
Plot : I found it kinda similar to the plot of the drama 'a love so beautiful' , but i think this one was way much better. We have a cute and cheerful FL, who fell for the ML first (love at first sight). But unlike the FL of ' A love so beautiful', she's not entirely dumb. She's strong, i.e., she can fight her own battles, she's not entirely hopeless when it comes to academics (she had her strengths) , but she does try to act cute in front of her love interest. The ML on the other hand isn't someone who's the pefect (but unrealistic) human. He has his own weaknesses , and difficulties in life. The way each of them help each other grow mutually & ultimately fell in love, was truely amazing. At no point it felt fancy, it was very gradual and smooth transition. And wathing them was a pleasure.
Anothe comparison, that I've come across is between 'When I fly towards you' and ' Hidden love'. Both these dramas have a special place in my heart, and I loved them both. In my opinion, both of them are unique in their own way. Hidden love talks mostly about love. I'd call Romance as its biggest theme, which was a bit more mature in terms of life struggles, stuff like that. But that's not the case with 'When I fly towars you', as it has a plethora of themes like : school life, friendships, romance, which makes it different, in a beautiful way. (I'll still give Hidden love some bonus point for none other than the gorgeous couple CZY &Lusi.)
The portrayal of friendships in this drama , was just spectacular. I'm sure many had been reminded of their school days. It was just too good . Being majorly a school drama, a huge chunck of it had lots of plot lines relating to high school and it covered a vivid variety of issues. The five friends hanging out , having fun, probably gave all of us nostalgia. The best part was that the plot incuded their life as grown ups, again covering quite a few slice of life topics, which made it more realistic. The proposal was so freaking cute .
Everything, pretty much . I'd call this the CUTEST drama I've ever watched.
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Totally not worth the hype. Disappointing story.
If cliché has a limit, this drama breaks it. Extra marital affair, Illegitimate child, dominating stepmom, rude brother, short tempered ex-girlfriend, family dispute, forced matrimony, you name it... and its there.The story is about 'Prince charming' and the 'Beggar maid', quite literally in this drama( Eun Sang worked as a maid in Kim Tan's house). What I dont get is : kids in school, making huge decisions of life like marriage and stuff, like seriously. What would it take to make it a story about college-goers, that would at least make some sense. Kids in school are pretty much clueless about a lot of things, and their thoughts, beliefs and feelings are prone to change.
Knowledge is power, but here we see school going kid (who sucks at academics, bunks classes, literally never studies) attending shareholder's meeting (with no prior exposure), making business deals, just ridiculous 🙄.
Though the story was crappy, the acting, given that it was a star studded drama, was well and good. I really like the acting of Kim Ji Won as Rachel. She's done a great job.
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1st Thai Drama that I watched. It was fine.
I never thought that I would watch Boys over flowers. Then one day i came across this Thai version of the story, and decided to give it a try.I have not watched any other versions of the story, (i donot wish to hurt anyone's sentiments), but i think this is the best version of the story (a bit modernized (the S korean version seems age old, doesnt interest me)).
Casting: it was definately good. Each and every character was beautifully portrayed by the actors. Everyone simply fits their respective roles. Actors cast for F4, they definitely posses rich kid vibes, and everyone looks so cool and full of swag and that pride of being the previledged. Tu fits for Gorya so well, i mean no glam & just simple pure innocence.
Acting: It was okayish. Majority of the lead cast being young age, i felt sometimes they are unable to deliver the expressions and emotions aptly. I felt Gorya was too loud. She kept shouting in almost half of the drama, which was a little annoying. Plus Thyme and Gorya keep fighting like 5 year olds, its irritating. Bright(Thyme) delivered weird smiling-like expressions, instead of serious emotional looks in some segments. But still okay.
A little bit of criticism from my side :
Its the same cliche story 'Prince charming'x 'Beggar maid'. Totally unrealistic (but thats what dramas are about , entertaining people & real life story aint entertaining anyone). I found it a lot similar to the 2 korean dramas 'The Heirs' and 'Extraordinary you'(just the school part (It has something like S3 group)).
In dramas like this, sometimes they exaggerate the rich people so much, that they are like everywhere, on the Tv, the billboard literally everywhere, and other time, they completely ignore their power and influence.
(For eg: when the anti F4 group kidnapped Gorya and threatened Thyme to come, what did he do? He jumped into the firepit, head-on. This is so unrealistically foolish and naive. He could've got both of them killed, then and there. There was no back up plan made no guards kept on standby, just the 4 friends, somehow magically defeated around 20 boys(similar in age). Its things like these, that look so pretentious, and make the script shallow, in my opinion.
Also, if someone gets bullied, the way its shown in the drama, its kind of next to impossible to ever fall in love with such a person. I find this concept utterly unrealistic.
Another thing that i really hated, literally kids in school, making huge decisions of life like marriage and stuff, like seriously. What would it take to make it a story about atleast college-goers, that would make more sense. Kids in school are pretty much clueless about a lot of things, and their thoughts, beliefs and fellings are vulnerable to change.
And yes no matter how rich and influential your family is, you need education to run a business. Thyme literally finished school and went on to become the deputy CEO at the singapore branch. Seriously what the heck.
But, It was not all bad and ugly, so
Coming to the good part:
It did bring on camera some good stuff (which i did not found anywhere in 'The Heirs' (and thats why i hate it)) like
- social issue like Body Shaming, promoting Self Love, Bullying(obviously)
-'Consent of a women' matters. I really liked it that, being so powerful and previledged how Thyme never forced Gorya to be in a relationship with him(which he could have easily done). He just tried his best and left the rest on her. He patiently waited for her to reply, which she did.
-Friendship- This is my favorite part about the drama. The frienship that the f4 had, was very special. I loved how dedicated MJ was, to keeping the group together. How patient, helpful and sacrificing Ren was, not just to Thyme, but to Mira as well. Not a fan of kelvin, coz he's pretty much on neutral grounds mostly, but we see a glimpse of his way of reciprocating, when he signs the deal as per Thyme's modified business model, to help him out. Also Kaning, she was a sweet &understanding friend to Gorya. This drama gives us a glimpse of what true friendship means, and how important it is for us to help each other and grow together, coz an eye for an eye will eventually make the whole world blind.
And yes, another best thing was when Thyme and Gorya had a fight sort of and Ren took her out on a date, and later Thyme got really furious and they have this fight in the school stadium. It was hilarious, all four of them, just fight each other & end up solving all their grudges, and they leave happily. (I don't know, maybe its a boys thing).
I also really liked the specific scene where thyme regains his memory after the incident, causing retrograde amnesia. It was sweet. (The best scene between them).
And yes, how can i forget Thyme's mother's (Roselyn's) heart change. While whatching, I was wondering what's gonna melt the heart of this woman. But it turned out just perfect. The way Gorya made Roselyn change her mind was just perfect.
On end note, the drama was fine, with the usual amount of drama (as expected from a drama).
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A captivating drama with resilience and hope.
I started watching this drama hoping to break out of a slump I was going through. While it was interesting, it didn’t fully meet my expectations. Having already seen many of Park Hyung-sik’s works and Park Shin-hye in The Heirs, I was drawn to this show. The story starts off well, with humor and engaging moments, but takes a strange turn around the 8th episode, which made it drag for me. I even debated whether to continue or drop it and ended up putting it on hold for three days. It was a YouTube reel from an upcoming episode that convinced me to keep going, and thankfully, things picked up significantly from episode 12 onward.The portrayal of the doctors' struggles was, ironically, a bit of a slump to watch. However, the initial episodes were enjoyable, especially with the school rivalry and relatable workplace dynamics through Ha Neul’s character. Up to episode 7, the storyline felt solid with its focus on the leads’ careers, school flashbacks, and the family dynamic of the female lead. Ha Neul’s mom, portrayed with exceptional skill, was a standout. Her reaction to her daughter’s resignation was realistic and relatable, echoing a situation from Eomma Chingu Adil, where Bae Seok Ryu’s mother reacts similarly when her daughter leaves a prestigious job to follow her passion. The way Ha Neul’s mom evolved after understanding her daughter’s struggles was beautifully done. Her character captured the essence of a mother’s unconditional love and concern, especially during moments when she could do little but offer support in her own way—like googling ways to help her daughter recover after an accident. This scene perfectly encapsulated a mother’s innocent and sincere love.
Ha Neul’s brother added a refreshing touch to the show. His humorous presence and subtle character development, especially after his sister’s accident, were commendable. His growth and commitment to supporting her were heartwarming.
As for the leads, their relationship had a certain disconnect that’s hard to pinpoint. Their chemistry was fine but occasionally became frustrating, which thankfully improved by the end. The growth of their relationship from episode 7 or 8 to episode 16 showed significant progress, becoming healthier and more supportive.
The drama addresses workplace issues such as stress and bullying quite well, though I wish Ha Neul’s depression had been resolved sooner. The male lead’s career storyline introduced a crime-thriller aspect, which extended over much of the show but was executed effectively.
Overall, it’s a good drama that may have moments where you feel the urge to fast-forward, especially during scenes that overly emphasize mental health discussions. Despite this, it’s a story with charming leads from contrasting backgrounds who face career challenges and personal lows, only to find hope and resilience. It teaches that endings can be new beginnings and reminds us that life’s toughest moments are temporary.
I'd like to end this review with this meaningful quote I read somewhere : “One year from now, this won’t even matter.” No matter what you’re facing, remember that this too shall pass. This drama is a comforting watch, especially if you’re going through a tough patch.
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Good one time watch if you're looking for suspense thriller.
I was going through a drama slump. There was nothing thrilling to watch, and I really wanted to watch a thriller & that's when I decided to watch 'My name'.Truth be told, I wanted to rate it a 10/10, but the climax hit me. It kept me on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, upto episode 6 . But then the last two episodes came along 🙄 Episodes 7 and 8. They have too many loop holes and weird trajectories, that changed my opinion regarding the story.
Upto Episode 6 it was just wonderful, pretty much awesome . Things were interesting.
Episode 6 onwards, ...
Why? why did she kill Taeju, and then destroyed the evidence simultaneously. Their actions made no sense. Once it was clear to her, whose her father's killer, if she was so desperate that nothing mattered to her, she had many chances to get back at him.
The last episode romance trajectory between her and Pil do, didnt make much sense. Never throughout the series did it ever felt like she had any kind of attraction towards her sunbae. Then why choose this plotline, only of he's gonna get killed in next 15 mins.
Another weird plotline : when Mu Jin was clear that he wanted to kill the girl, and left to get revenge from her, why why on earth did he kill Pil do & left her unharmed like that. He could've killed either only her or both of them right there. Honestly the last episode didnt make much sense & I just dont get it : if the captain survived, why on earth did Pil do had to die.
Enough about the negatives, now coming to the positives in the story :
Honestly speaking, from episodes 1 to 6 the drama is a gem. Right from the 1st episode the way fl is introduced, her dad's story it was really interesting to watch. Initial couple of episodes were fast paced and interesting. The plot handled really well and the story felt like a beautiful tapestry.
All in all its a good watch.
An action packed thriller.
A short drama, perfect for binge watching.
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Its a beautiful story
If you’re looking for a romance movie with a happy ending, this is a great pick. I wonder why it took me so long to discover it!A Quick Look at the Story (Minor Spoilers Ahead):
The movie follows a small-town girl from a middle-class family with little support as she fights to build a better life. No matter how many challenges come her way, she stands strong. But, as we know, life can be tough, and she finds an unlikely ally in a rich, spoiled boy. If you haven’t guessed already, they end up together—but how? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out.
Why This Movie Stands Out:
What made this movie special to me was the pacing and, most notably, the ending. It was epic. The story spans from school years to adulthood, weaving the pieces together seamlessly. The female lead (FL) is highly likable; her strength, determination, and character development are inspiring. By the end of the movie, you feel like you’ve witnessed Jianxia’s personal growth, which is the most rewarding part.
The male lead (ML) is kind at heart, and their school days' friendship blossoming into love is beautifully portrayed. The transition from friendship to romance feels genuine and heartfelt. As the ML once said, he was like a scarf to her: “She could use it when it was cold and put it away when days were warm and sunny.”
The ending is especially satisfying—not the typical tale of a poor girl marrying a wealthy man, but rather a strong, independent woman marrying a man in debt. It’s empowering, showcasing her journey and resilience. And there’s a touch of humor when the ML jokes, “You’ll have to sponsor our honeymoon!”
Final Thoughts:
This movie is impactful, leaving you with a feeling of hope and strength. For me, it’s a solid 9 out of 10.
Happy watching
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Waste of time.
For a beginner to CDramas, this can be cute and watchable.But, truth be told, its got substance only upto episode seven.
I'm dropping this, after having watched episode 8 .
It makes absolutely no sense that a doctor would agree to get into matrimony with a man only to treat a single child. The reason the child doesnt talk being PTSD, I dont quite understand what was the reson for them to pretend to be husband and wife. It has absolutely no connection. Just because a child asks for something however stupid that might be.. Its irrational to just go on fulfilling. If the ML had developed crush on the FL and then asked to marry her, that would've still made some sense but, they both dont like each other, even then chose to get into a contract marriage.. That's simply Crazy.
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After stumbling upon clips of this drama, I was intrigued by its charming aesthetic, prompting me to give it a watch – a decision I don't regret. 'Amidst a snowstorm of Love' delivers a delightful blend of slow-burn romance, endearing moments, and a touch of seriousness amidst the lightheartedness, all wrapped up with impeccable English dialogue rarely seen in C/K/J Dramas.Pros:
From the handsome leads to the heartwarming friendships and healthy competition, 'Amidst a snowstorm of Love' beautifully portrays themes of love, friendship, and ambition. Despite its slow start, the series gradually won me over with its adorable portrayal of falling in love and the dynamics of rivalry. Special mention goes to Meng, Yin Guo's brother, whose initially cold demeanor hides a heart of gold, promoting healthy competition and showcasing true sportsmanship. Yin Guo herself is a commendable character – strong-willed, independent, and amicable, she's a role model for empowerment. As for Lin, his character's development from a troubled past to a devoted partner is compelling, even if his perfection may seem exaggerated. The drama's portrayal of friendships and family dynamics adds depth and humor, resonating with viewers on multiple levels.
While this drama excels in sweetness, an excess of saccharine moments occasionally detracts from its realism. Some viewers may find certain aspects, like Lin's extravagant gestures and excessive chivalry, bordering on unrealistic. Additionally, the narrative's focus on food and pool becomes repetitive, and the transition to Lin's career revival feels somewhat disjointed. Despite these flaws, the series manages to deliver a heartwarming conclusion, albeit with missed opportunities in certain character arcs.
In summary, 'Amidst a snowstorm of Love ' offers a charming blend of romance, comedy, and heartfelt moments, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of the genre. While not without its flaws, its slow-paced narrative and engaging characters are sure to captivate audiences seeking a feel-good drama experience.
Ending with Lin's favorite word (i guess)
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