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Forecasting Love and Weather korean drama review
Forecasting Love and Weather
34 people found this review helpful
by Sinasina
Apr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 2.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


Well what can I say, the drama started out fun, but it was obvious to me that things will go downhill for our characters and fast. That would not necessarily be a problem, however this was not really enjoyable after the early episodes at all. The plot is not only bad, but also it just often does not make any sense, it's like the author used various kdrama character & story templates to piece the plot together, hoping that the research she has done into weather forecasting would be enough the carry the show, that is however not the case. People in the comment section called this "noir", I don't think that is accurate, it's just a badly written light melodrama, where the melodramatic events are lacking in impact & it's just difficult to empathize with any of the four main characters. The only thing I liked about the plot is FL's sister's loveline, that's pretty much it.

I fully expected the bad writing going in, this author has written Dr Romantic, Dr Romantic 2, Gu Family Book and Where Stars Land. Out of these only Where Stars Land is actually a good drama & the good writing is not the reason why.. Forecasting though is far worse than those listed above. It's like the cheaters are the main characters in the drama and that's not really the problem by itself, but good god Yoon Park's character is just the worst and he has more romance and implied character growth than anyone else.

As for the OTP romance, it's just bad across the board. For starters neither of the two are likeable, why should we care about their horribly written romance? Also as much as I love Park MinYoung, she had no chemistry with Song Kang whatsoever. (I've seen her have great chemistry with at least 3 different actors before) So yes, the casting has been botched from the get go.

ML's father is a character that should never appear in a kdrama. Due to the limitations of what can & cannot be shown on Korean TV, characters like his can never be showcased realistically, all this is only good to annoy the viewers.

I must congratulate Forecasting Love and Weather for one thing though, as of today this is the worst kdrama that I have ever finished. The drama has gotten my attention in the first 2-4 episodes & later on I kept hoping every week that the current episodes will be better, which has never happened. The production team has successfully made me watch a large array of product placements & I'm sure the same applies to a large chunk of the Korean viewers as well. I have a difficulty believing that the good ratings are due to everyone enjoying this so much, but it's ultimately a commercial success. The big problem with commercial successes is that they are going to get copied and ..
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