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100-manen no Onna-tachi japanese drama review
100-manen no Onna-tachi
5 people found this review helpful
by Tea Rex
Oct 2, 2017
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
Stellar story-telling with excellent characters and an interesting plot. There were no filler episodes and nothing wasted my time. It had a thoroughly satisfying ending. Beautifully done. I will definitely rewatch this one to see if the clues were there that could have solved the mystery for me, but as it was, I didn't know until the show revealed it, which is great because I usually solve the mystery halfway through which really annoys me. Don't be fooled though, while the mystery was interesting, it really isn't the point here. This is a drama about characters and life choices and relationships. Definitely worth watching
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