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Age of Youth korean drama review
Age of Youth
7 people found this review helpful
by Unnursvana
Aug 28, 2016
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This drama surprised me quite a bit. It almost came out of nowhere and I was expecting a vastly different drama from the premise. But what I got was so much better and before I knew it I was completely hooked. I waited for each episode with great anticipation, which is always a very nice feeling.

It is short for a kdrama (only 12 episodes). But still manages to tell a good, well-fleshed-out story. It is all about friendship and fighting the ghosts in your life, together or alone. No matter in what shapes as sizes they come.

There is a scene at the beginning of the drama where Song Ji Won tells the other girls that she sees ghosts. And there is a ghost living in the closet by the door. All the girls ghost interpret in their own way and it gives the show a bit of a gloomy atmosphere.

It was not always easy to watch , since it became a lot gloomier and darker than I expected it to be. And at times I did feel like it was trying to hard to be that way. But it was still always grounded in reality. And there are also many light and funny moments between the gloomy bits. As well as very heartwarming moment between girls, and other characters in their lives. I felt like the drama did manage to strike a good balance between all these different moods.

The relationship between the girls is so well done. It felt real. they care so much for each other. Even if they all come from different places and all have vastly different personalities and different problems to deal with. And they mesh very well together, most of the time. But they also argue a lot. Each of them gets their own part to tell their story. Although some girls get a heavier history than others and are therefore get bigger story line. Which is something the production could have balanced better.

You can yourself a bit in every one of these girls. Or at least empathise for them. But at they can annoy you as well at the same time. Just like real friend do. None of them were one-dimensional in any way, since they all got a time to explain their side of the story. I felt for these characters and I loved them all. I could put myself in their shoes. Although I had never experienced most of the things they were experiencing.

The girls were the center of the story and nothing else. Not even the romance, like I thought it would be at first. Since I thought it was about a youth drama all about campus-romance. But instead I got something much better. The romance was a big part of the show, but the drama was not about finding a boyfriend.

The romance was both sweet and cute, and sometimes a little sad. But it isn’t the centre of things. The drama is, for me at least, mainly about friendship and growing as a person. But it manages to be really good a mix of all of these things.

It’s rare to get a kdrama like this one, where we get to follow five young women and their lives. And this is entirely about them. The rest is just extra. It was refreshing. I felt like this show was made ??by women (although the director is a male), about women, for women.
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