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I Know I Love You chinese drama review
I Know I Love You
5 people found this review helpful
by Utemom5
Feb 2, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

What on earth did I just endure?

Oh boy. Script writing a disaster. Most people are toxic, including FL bestie. This is not a slow burn. This is burnt out. 90% of the comments are people telling you “oh is this like One Spring Night?” No duh, if you somehow hadn’t known that your eyeballs will be falling out from reading that the whole way through.

Yes, there are some similarities but the writing here is terrible. Can you watch this and enjoy it, some people seem to. There is a huge gaping hole in chemistry building scenes, so there is no sizzle between the leads. Yes they share a romance, but it has no feels. Its so utterly depressing for most of the show, and you don’t get any fun until a couple minutes at the end. I can’t even say I enjoyed the friends, because everyone is either so manipulative incl her bestie or total doormats being used by the delulu 2 ML. There is something to be learned perhaps by women who are being controlled by men and then told what they should believe and behave from other controlling individuals but theres like no growth here or no lessons being taught in how to seek out healthy relationships. What is clear, is if you are exiting a harmful relationship you need therapy and time to heal before jumping in again. This needs a lot of help, which was a shame. I usually love this kind of drama and China can make them really good. This show needed better writing or cut in half.
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