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Ashes of Love
1 people found this review helpful
by VeideG
Jan 25, 2021
63 of 63 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I watched this series with great pleasure and will definitely watch it many more times! The actors are wonderful! The chemistry between the main characters is simply cosmic! The scenery, costumes are wonderful! In the first half of the series, there are many funny moments, then you only have time to hold back tears. Incredibly beautiful music! I still can't find the background music that was in the series, besides the main songs, I hope I will see it somewhere. I read the novel on the basis of which the series was filmed and I liked the screen version much more! The most beloved story is the main characters in the Mortal World. Of the minor characters, my favorite was Pu Chi he was just amazing)), it's a pity that he was not shown in the final. In general, the whole story is amazing, I don't even know what to watch next after it ... I'll probably go and watch it again)))
The only thing I don't like about Chinese dramas is that they always show the whole story from start to finish in the opening, so I always try to skip the beginning and the ending song.

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