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Faith korean drama review
5 people found this review helpful
by Natapi
Apr 11, 2015
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
I absolutely loved this drama, which was a really pleasant surprise as I only decided to give this a go on a whim. I had recently watched "Rooftop Prince" and was in the mood for another time travel story and thought this sounded interesting because it was a reversal, with a woman travelling backwards in time. I didn't expect to love Eun Soo when I started it but she became my favourite character just from how funny she was. A modern, intelligent, 21st century woman stuck in the past, baffling everyone with her "heavenly knowledge and ways". It really was the ultimate fish out of water scenario and was so so funny to watch. I also just loved her character as she tackled all of this stuff head on with a brave face and a smile but still let herself cry when faced with the overwhelmingly traumatic events she experienced. She was the type of heroine I enjoy watching, someone who feels like a real person and is actually proactive in the story and contributes to the plot (an annoyingly rare thing to find in kdramas imo). Then there's Choi Young. Oh boy, well everyone who knows anything about korean dramas probably knows Lee Min Ho, and I really loved him in this. I've seen him in a few dramas and this was actually my favourite role of his. Watching his development throughout the series from someone simply existing to someone who actually finds a reason and will to live was wonderful. His unbelievably badass skills, his constant need to protect everyone, his amazing bromance with the King and his "just do it well" approach to leadership was fantastic. I was also really enchanted by the overarching plot of him having become weary with this life of killing and whether he would or could lay down his sword. The main romance was so unbelievably sweet and beautiful to watch. It progressed in such a nice way, not too rushed or too slow, and developed into this wonderful love story that I will rewatch again and again. I tend to love stories where the guy falls for the girl first so that was also a major plus. In general they were just really adorable and I LOVED all the Wudalchi totally invested in their boss' love life haha. Apart from the love story though, it was also a really interesting story to watch. I usually get fed up with the story in kdramas but this kept me hooked until the very end. In particular I really enjoyed Gongnim as a character, watching him grow from the nervous paranoid man to the great King he was destined to be. And his relationship with Noguk was a great secondary love story too. The Wudalchi were all so adorable, especially in their complete devotion to Choi Young and their giddy interest in his love life with Eun Soo. Everytime CY&ES had a moment in front of the wudalchi and you'd see them get these great big smiles on their faces, I laughed like crazy. It was so adorable to watch. The wonderful relationship between Choi Young and Gongnim was also a major highlight, especially considering what important historical figures they are. Overall, this drama was such a wonderful surprise. I honestly didn't expect to love it as much as I did and this is definitely one I would recommend to anyone looking for a great love story with an equally great plot.
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