And let me just say, Yamapi has grown to be a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine looking guy!!!!! I never cared for his brown hair back then~ he's always looked better with black hair, and I like that he's switched up his hairstyle too. He looks older and more mature now.
This season, as some people mentioned, focused more on the characters rather than the medical side of things. To be honest, I don't remember the first 2 seasons going super deep into the medical things. They did a few procedures here and there, and kept repeating the same procedure in different episodes thereafter (my memory may be faulty, but this was what I remembered while watching). This season isn't quite different, although we get to see some different things, which were pretty cool, but some were also disturbing (organ procurement scene).
I liked that this focused more on the character stories. It was great that the originals came back, even if the older actors or actresses didn't have much screen time. I liked seeing where they ended up in life, their new challenges, how they matured and have become skilled doctors, how much more resilient they've become, and now even training fellows to be flight doctors. The characters aged, the actors aged, I've aged~ everyone was so natural in their roles and their character growth felt quite real to me, so I was invested in the them and their continued development. It was hard getting used to the new fellows. It was like watching season 1 all over again, them facing their problems, insecurities, getting into trouble and such. But once I started seeing their character development, I began liking them as well (I quite liked seeing Natori learn from Hiyama, since they were foils of each other). I think this was a well written season (or maybe I'm biased already). Some story arcs, I could do without (like the tumor in brain girl, although I liked the rivalry between Aizawa and Shinkai~ it was a healthy + friendship sort of rivalry). Despite the girl being annoying, they did bring a life lesson into it, so I liked that. I liked that every episode had a life lesson to be learned, anything from losing a child to believing in yourself.
I loved how they used the same music as back then, especially Hanabi by Mr Children. The instrumental that was played when announcing the sponsors~ it was nostalgic and inspirational at the same time. There was this one weird background track, that sounded like it came from Pirates of the Caribbean though. It was odd...
I think I would definitely rewatch this. I would have to rewatch everything, starting from season 1 though. It would be a while before that happens.
Definitely, for those that enjoyed the other seasons of Code Blue, this is a pick-me-up. I'm not a drama enthusiast anymore, but I did quite like this.
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One of the better dramas out there
I give this drama a VERY solid 8/10. It was entertaining, I liked the main actors/characters. There was a lot of drama, some predictable and some not super predictable. You won’t be wasting your time if you choose to watch this drama. (and oh my goodness, the cast is super good looking- and little Nao is so ADORBS!!!!!!)Good things:
1. Nao is not the usual naive, optimistic, too-good-natured protagonist. It's quite refreshing to watch (although ep 3/4 had me doubt this a little bit).
2. The main characters were written well. There were layers upon layers of events and internal conflicts to flesh them out. The conflicts in the family were displayed well.
3. Tsubaki is the typical tsundere but unlike the other tsunderes, he warms up to the audience a lot faster. By the end of the 1st episode, you already see his struggles and empathize with him.
4. I don't watch period pieces so it's great seeing people in gorgeous kimonos and yukatas all in the time in beautiful wood houses. (and the sweets looked so good, I want to try them!!!)
Things I think would have improved the drama:
1. I wish it was a darker drama and that it was less theatrical. The opening was very anime-like and I liked that. But as for the actual production, I wish they didn’t have certain scenes like people smiling creepily and ultra dramatic music etc. It would've been great as a melodrama.
2. They did not take enough time establishing Kougetsu An as the leader/brand name it was. I was trying to figure it out for a long time how big they were, how much money and power they had and why they were relevant. Their shop looked small so I just couldn't make the connection in my brain. They should've done a quick monologue/explanation about it in the beginning.
3. They fell in love too easily. His side? Ok, fine. But her side? She's hiding her secret and holding a 15 year grudge against him and his family.... but then she almost sleeps with him... because they were playing a couple... and they didn't even like each other then... Doesn't make sense. They needed more scenes together talking and naturally getting along despite having ulterior motives or scenes where they went out of their way to help each other/care for each other.
4. Nao literally has no friends/no world outside of Kougestu An. There was the potential of the girl in the very first episode, but they never explored that. She needs a "sane" friend, her voice of reason, her escape from this darkness. But it could be very intentional because as a young girl, her closest friend betrayed her, which could cause her to mistrust all people. Either way, I wish it was addressed.
5. I enjoyed the performances from both leads, but some scenes just lacked the emotional intensity it needed. I wanted to see more internal conflict on their faces, especially Nao. and especially the hospital scene after the fire after she talks to Yuko (got some bad news), I wanted her to be balling her eyes out so that I could feel sorry for her poor soul and all that she’s suffered and cry with her... but I didn't.
I love that it is 8 episodes, but I think they could've made it better with another episode or two.
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I've only seen Yamaken in LDK before this, and it was too cliche and boring, so I dropped it. But after watching him in this, I can definitely see that his acting is being wasted by always appearing in shoujo movies. I hope he gets more roles that are more complicated and not always tsundere. There was one emotional scene in the end and he nailed it! Masaki Suda..... his character is... one of a kind. I didn't like his character, but he nailed it. His talents were wasted in the drama though. Should've given him more scenes, or a better role.
Speaking of Suda~ I didn't know that he could sing! and he sang the title song! and it was good!!! I bought his music on iTunes after seeing his drama~ y'all should check his stuff out too!
This drama is worth a watch. It wasn't exceptionally good, but it wasn't bad either. It just left a lot to be desired. Despite all of that, I'm a fan of Yamaken now! (and I just have to say, Mackenyu is one GORGEOUS man!!!)
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A relationship doomed to fail (in real life)
After trying to find a japanese romance drama to watch, someone mentioned this on an online forum and I was interested. They said that the relationship between the leads was interesting so I thought I'd give t a shot.Japan does not do well in the romance genre. There may be hints, some sweet lines, some holding hands and kissing but that's it. Very lackluster.
With the main couple, it was just very hard to care for them and their relationship. I disliked Hyuga Toru for the majority of the drama, because he was an arrogant jerk. Only until he started realizing that he liked Natsui Makoto and accepted that did he become better (just by a little bit). There were lots of fighting and misunderstandings between them. I understand why that would happen but it just happens so often it gets to be annoying. Their relationship felt forced to me. Any sane girl would not fall in love with a guy like that (someone who disrespects her often).
It was made to look like she was just following him around and obeying his commands. I understand she works for him but it continues after work hours. He's just controlling. I didn't have a problem with the actors, just the characters.
The story was more focused the business side of things. I didn't understand a lot of things they were talking about because it was computer/IT related terminology. The romance was really just a side story.
I'm glad they made Asahina Yoko to be a likable character. In the beginning her tactics may be shady in getting Toru to fall in love with her. But she turned out to be a nice character. When she realized that Toru didn't like her and it was useless, she 100% supported Makoto. She never did anything insane and didn't try to cause misunderstanding between the leads (maybe except for that one car ride, all the other incidents were just happened to be seen by Makoto). She's probably the most reasonable, and also my favorite character.
I won't rewatch this. The special wasn't great either. It was like the storyline repeating itself for a reason I don't understand. But alas, they have their happy ending... Or so it seems....
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I had no expectations whatsoever when watching this drama, except that it was going to be good. People raved about it on the Internet. I did not read the manga or watch the other adaptations so I really did not know what I was getting myself into.
First of all, story is super cliche. Seen the characters before, didn't really care for them. Not really likable to me. Main guy is just quiet and emotionless. He's smart, but extremely boring. Who would fall for him?! Main girl is not much better. She's got a better personality but is dumb and SUPER persistent. She doesn't know when to quit. What she's doing in the drama is called STALKING. It's not love or infatuation anymore, it's obsession. The idea that a dumb girl can win over a smart guy by stalking him is just appalling. REALLY?!?? So unbelievable and unrealistic. I forced myself to watch all of the episodes even though by halfway, I wanted to quit so much. I'm definitely not watching the special or the second season.
The only thing I liked about this drama was the views of Tokyo. Very pretty scenes and shots but that's it.
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Great, mature characters with a sweet romance!
STORY 9/10Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young were perfect and had great chemistry. I love the maturity of the characters. They didn't get overly jealous, but they were reasonable and talked things out. I felt like I was watching a married couple who were deeply in love. There was lots of feel-good and sweet moments. Kinda disappointed that they weren't married by the end, just engaged.
I would've given this drama a 10/10 if it ended at 14 episodes. BUT, I still liked the last two episodes. I just didn't like the "met each other during childhood and somehow forgot" trope. I'm just glad it wasn't the "almost siblings" trope, which would've made me gag. I like the life lesson taught that we're humans and we make mistakes, maybe even big ones. But we're still good.
MUSIC 10/10
Music was excellent! It went well with the art. It was beautiful, light, and refreshing.
Things I wish they would've done:
- Since Ryan was adopted, I wish they would've introduced his adoptive family. Maybe he had a sister, maybe it was just parents. Either way, their interactions with SDM and/or her parents with western culture vs eastern culture could've been COMEDY GOLD!!!
- I was hoping that as SDM fell in love with Ryan, she would gradually get rid of CSA memorabilia at her place. I was hoping that she would pass on the duties of fan page manager to someone else. (Also, it's weird thinking that SDM is basically fangirling over her future half brother-in-law, and Ryan's totally okay with it.)
- SDM gave up her art dream years earlier. I wish she would've been able to fulfill it
Biggest plot hole EVER: SDM's mom should've brought Ryan to the police when his mom didn't return. Surely, someone would've filed a missing child report with the police. I know SDM looked it up and didn't find anything. The show didn't specify how long Ryan's mom was in the hospital for. But there was still the grandpa who trashed her paintings. Why wasn't he looking for him and filed it if she was in the hospital for >1month?
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Shiro demo Kuro demonai Sekai de, Panda wa Warau
3 people found this review helpful
First episode may be strange but honestly it gets better!!!
The drama description is weird.... but honestly, that's what it is. It gets deeper and better though.This drama is filled with lots of twists and turns. The acting is stellar!!! It's my 2nd Yokohama Ryusei drama and he was excellent!!!! Seino Nana was amazing. I loved Ren because she's just the cutest thing ever and you can't help but feel bad for her, especially in the beginning.
I wish they would've gone deeper into areas like Ren and Riko's childhood and the abuse and trauma. I wish they would've also explored mental disorders a little more. Everyone has their dark side and secrets, and it's up to you as the viewer to determine who really is good or not. That's what makes it fun.
Ending was ok. I gotta to find the SP now!!!
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I think this drama was done beautifully and with respect towards the deaf community.
If you like realistic slice of life dramas, this is for you. I think all of the characters are likable or at least believable. I could understand why characters did what they did, even if I didn't agree with their thoughts or actions. Even the one that annoyed me the most Nana, I could understand why she'd say the things she said (being born deaf = immediately an outcast in society). Sometimes, the drama felt a little too rosy but they didn't take it too far (like if that was real life, I KNOW some people will choose not to remain friends with Sou because they're either jerks or communicating would be too hard and they just let the friendship sizzle out).Apparently, the script was written with the two leads in mind and it shows. They did excellent in their roles. When I learned that Ren Meguro was in Snow Man/Johnnys, I couldn't believe it. I thought he was a full fledged actor. Props to them for learning sign language for their role.
I think the production did well. I like how minimalistic the music was, which fits the theme of the drama. Some scenes were nicely shot with good music. In other scenes (like the 5 second fillers), the music was abruptly cut off so I don't know what happened there. Not sure if that was for commercial breaks or anything but that was a little jarring. The only thing I wish the storyline/production could've done better is really sell to us that Tsumugi was falling in love with Sou again, which would've made the last episodes more heart wrenching. If they just spent a couple of seconds showing us her happiness from being with him, that would've sufficed.
I wished we got to hear Sou speaking to Tsumugi at the end. They foreshadowed it at the beginning when he said he only speaks to his family. In the end, she accepts him for who he is and IS becoming his family. Kind of a missed opportunity, but the scene of them whispering in the classroom was uber cute.... but I guess that fits better with the theme of the drama.
Overall, I enjoyed this drama. I don't often rewatch dramas, but I could definitely see myself picking this one up again.
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Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta
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This drama is very well written. The storyline and the characters were very realistic. I felt like I could really identify with the characters, their feelings, their motives and the decisions they made. So many times when Shuji made an odd decision or did/said something unorthodox, I wanted to understand the reasoning behind it. Other times, I just wanted to slap some sense into him. They way the writers wrote the story, I couldn't tell for a long time who was supposed to be the female lead. Even though my conscience says one thing, I was confused as to which girl I was supposed to be rooting for to end up with Shuji (or if I should be rooting for Shuji's happiness at all). I couldn't tell if Shuji had romantic feelings towards Natsumi/Saeki, or if he was just being a nice guy. The characters are incredibly complex and showed many sides to them. The actors and actresses are so talented and did such an amazing job, especially Miura Haruma, Toda Erika and Takei Emi (this is my first time watching Takei Emi).
The music was great. The prelude was so beautiful and touching. I think some of the insert songs have swear words in them though lol (they're english pop songs). But they're properly placed and generates the right mood for the scene.
It can be a little predictable, but for the most part it's not. There were twists that were unexpected that weren't over the top, but enough to make it dramatic and make you want to find out what's gonna happen next. I think the drama did lose a little steam at the end, but you become emotionally invested in the characters and want to find out what's going to happen to them.
One thing I did not like is how serious the students were and their feelings towards their teachers. Hiraoka and Saeki were serious in wanting an actual relationship with their teachers. It's uncomfortable to think about, but i guess it does happen in real life since we hear of teachers having inappropriate relationships with students.
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This was a pretty generic story. Socially awkward, friendless girl meets pretty boy Mr Popular. The story goes through all of the cliches a shojo manga would encounter.
The acting was decent to good. I think Sota Fukushi did a good job in his role, as well as supporting cast. I can't say too fondly of Haruna Kawaguchi though. I don't know if it was just how the writers wrote Mei to be, but I just felt like she was incredibly awkward throughout the movie. There was no life in her and very little growth throughout the movie. Mei was not an interesting character at all.
Also, as much as the lead actors tried, there was ZERO chemistry. Kisses are usually awkward in Japanese dramas and movies, but this one was ESPECIALLY awkward. They kissed SO MANY TIMES, but they were so awkward that it made me cringe each and every time. Plus, Mei trying to stop Yamato mid-kiss by pushing him/his arm away was just so unconvincing.
I liked the music, but it wasn't mind-blowing. I liked the nice instrumentals in the background, especially the tracks with the piano. It was calming and set the scene appropriately.
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STORY 7/10
The storyline isn't too original (Ueno Juri starred in Alice no Toge, which had a similar story line). And however predictable it may be, I thought it was still pretty good. There were enough twists and turns that kept me interested and wanting to know more. I really liked the writing of the characters. I couldn't for the life of me figure out who's good and who's bad, and that alone is interesting itself.
I was a little disappointed in the ending though. It was sort of a happy ending, but I didn't want it to end that way. I wanted the traditional happy ending... like Alice no Toge....
The cast was just perfect. Actually, that was pretty much the only reason why i wanted to watch this, was because Shun, Toma and Ueno Juri were in it.
I think the one who stood out the most was Toma, because Ryuuzaki was the one who was wavering between good and bad, whereas the others were pretty much set in their ways. Shun and Juri were great though, as well as the other supporting characters!
MUSIC 6/10
Wasn't too memorable but it wasn't terrible either.
I don't normally watch detective dramas so I probably won't watch this again, especially now that I know the story. It is a good story with a lot of action and twists and turns.
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Honestly, I came into this drama expecting something completely different! I was thinking this was going to be sort of a romantic comedy, or something more centered towards the growth of Yamazawa Norio and his time on earth, his growing appreciation for earthly things.. but it wasn't. It was more serious than that. It was about people/aliens coming from different dimensions and curing royalty... and then that's what I got. It got very technical towards the end. I don't know if the subs available weren't translated as well as they should be, or if the terms are just that confusing. The storyline was pretty original as far as I could tell. But then again, I don't watch sci-fi stuff so I guess I don't have much say on that.
I thought some things were left resolved too quickly (or not resolved at all). The biggest thing that jumped out at my brain was the mysterious enemy.. and then either subs failed me or it was just bad writing.
I think this drama was trying to do too much, then it forgot some things that it originally started out with. For instance, it was really funny the first few episodes, then it got super serious. Love was also put on a back burner. The flow or mood of the drama really changed, and I didn't like that so much.
Visual effects were poor. But, it didn't detract too much from the story so I can't really complain.
I liked the ending. I got my pairing, but only sort of. But knowing the future helps. I wasn't convinced that Midori will like xxx, but I'll give it a pass as I think time will help them.
Acting/Cast: 7/10
I liked the cast a lot. I think what eventually got me to watch this drama was because Nakamura Aoi was in it. Everyone played their roles nicely. It did bother me a little bit when some characters disappeared for a while, like Kagawa Midori. She disappeared for a while from the story when the drama got all deep into the sci-fi stuff.
The only thing that still bothers me is how Yamazawa Norio took advantage of the old guy who has dementia... and then kept mind-controlling him. But I'm glad they gave Ebara a happy ending.
Music: 9/10
I pretty much liked all of the music in this drama. I watched this drama all in one go, so I can't remember every piece, but the music was beautiful. I especially loved the piano pieces, which really brought out the sweetness and innocence of the scene. The ending was an amazing song called Dream by Shimizu Shota. That was actually how I found this drama. I was listening to random jpop songs that would interest me, and the song was so amazing that I decided to watch the drama (after finding out from the comments that it was the ending for Nazo no Tenkousei). The opening was equally amazing, and it was actually sung by Sakurai Minami (who played Kagawa Midori, lead female role). The song was good, but I loved the opening video MUCH, MUCH MORE!! It was just AMAZING!! Paired with the music, it was just so creative and beautiful and a great work of art!!
Rewatch: 6/10
Because my brain can't be fully comprehend all of the sci-fi terms in this drama, I just end up getting confused and checking out. For that reason, I gave it a 6/10. I may want to watch it again in the future now that I know what it's like, just to see the things that I missed.
Overall: 7/10
It was overall a decent drama, just not my cup of tea. I wished I came in knowing what I was in for. Maybe then, I would've enjoyed it more. But oh well, I got my dose of Nakamura Aoi and I'm happy.
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As much as I love Ueno Juri, I actually dropped this drama. I didn't finish all of episode 4 and just watched episode 5 to finish it.
These are standalone stories and is not continuous. They're less than 25 minutes each. My biggest issue with these episodes is the open ending... and what the episodes were actually about. There is an overall storyline or theme, but they for some reason try to mix it up in the end and you're left with the feeling of, "okay...? what was the point of that? what does that even mean?!" These must've been written by amateur/indie/abstract writers. It feels like, people drew pieces of paper out of hat with drama/episode ideas and just wrote about them. I did not like the stories. The only part I liked was in episode 2 with the security camera recording her in the elevator haha.
Ueno Juri is awesome as always. It really shows her versatility since her characters were so different. I didn't recognize any of the other supporting casts but one other actor. Nothing that stands out, but no one acting terribly either.
I noticed music playing maybe 2 or 3 times when I watching the episodes. If they added more music to the scenes than that, then it just must've not been very memorable.. Well, either way, it wasn't memorable nor impressive...
This was not my cup of tea. Even if it's for Japanese listening practice, I think I'll choose something else... something that makes a little more sense.
Even though Ueno Juri is in it, this can honestly be a skip.. unless if you like open-ended, standalone episodes with a minimal plot...
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If Kdramas had a cinemasins, the sin count would be 1000+
This drama wants to be cool, but it fails. Because the writer and production crew are lazy, this drama messes up on the smallest of details. It was waaaaaay too distracting for me to overlook, causing me to drop this at episode 9 and just skip to all of the Kim Jae Wook scenes. (I had watched this drama for him, and I was going to watch all of his scenes no matter what) Kim Jae Wook was just brilliant. It was such a shame that they didn't use him until episode 8 or so, because he could've made it soooooo much better and more engaging. I liked the scene when MTG was caught and arrested, and he's still taunting MJH. It's all a game to MTG, and he truly is psychotic.ML and FL did not have much dimension to them (up until episode 9. I don't know if their characters improved in the later episodes). ML has terrible self control, almost beating up every criminal, only to be stopped by FL or another officer. He keeps calling people bastard and says, "I'll rip you to pieces" over and over. FL was very emotionless. I know she's emotionless for her job, but she's just boring. I was ok with her breathy voice, and then I started to hate it when that was ALL I heard. She was so monotone.
Some of the lines were so out of place. In episode 5, ML and FL talk about the criminal and his possible motives. ML then says, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get." lol, WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!
I hate how the first 5-10 minutes of a new episode was a recap of the old episode. They needed to fill the time, I guess.
I kept pausing and cringing, and my sister asked me why I was watching the drama.... sigh. Only for Kim Jae Wook...
I will say that one good thing this drama does is tension build up. Often times, I had to turn down the volume because it was creepy/suspenseful and I was scared of a possible jump scene. The killings did get to be a bit too much for me, so I had to fast forward through some of them. Don't watch this alone at night. You'll either get bad nightmares or start wondering if there's a serial killer nearby in your area ready to strike.
(and OMG, I HATED the "clicking" sounds!!! It was obviously teeth grinding noises and my teeth could feel it.....)
Kdramasins rant begins:
In episode 1, police was ok with drunk ML contaminating his wife's murder scene. ML's fellow officers said they couldn't ID her because she was so badly beaten, but when ML lifts up the cover, what was seen wasn't bloody and beaten at all. Investigators and criminals refuse to wear gloves alike. There was no DNA evidence when the murderer was touching the victims and their phones with his bare hands. In episode 4 when ML rescues the boy, he lets the boy talk to FL and doesn't rush upstairs, while the boy is supposedly bleeding out to death. In episode 5, they did not think to trace the IP and see who the website belonged to track down the criminal. FL is in the field when she's not a field officer, but head of the call department. FL interrogates suspects when that's not her job. FL makes a call while with a suspect in the interrogation room to warn ML that he was being set up. FL knows exactly what sounds to hear and hone in on when it should be an overload of noises for her. In episode 6, police is so incompetent the suspect finds cuff keys on the floor of the police van. It took FL a good couple of seconds to hear the struggle happening in the bathroom on the other side of the door (and she's supposed to have superhuman hearing). Chief Jang was so intent on arguing with FL that it was a suicide and not homicide, when strangulation marks should've been obvious, or at least logic should've been used as to HOW he set himself on fire (assuming they did their jobs and took away his belongings when they cuffed him, he has nothing to set himself with on fire). Even if one officer was corrupt, they all seem to miss the obvious evidence (i.e GDC's fall. Police should've seen blunt force trauma to his head and determine that it wasn't a suicide....). FL says with 100% confidence, "the voice was of someone in their thirties," when in reality, some people sound older/younger than they really are.
I didn't include everything from the 9 episodes I watched. I'm sure that if I had watched the entire drama, I could write a whole lot more too.
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Yes, it's a 2 hour movie, so they gotta cut some things out. I think they had cut out too many scenes of Haru and Shizuku in the beginning, because the pacing felt weird and too fast. The Natsume and Micchan love story should've never happened in the movie to give more time to Haru and Shizuku. Seriously, the Natsume-Micchan scenes were only like 3 minutes. It did nothing for the movie.
I feel like they tried making this story more realistic.... Except they didn't. Like, super strength and flying capabilities?!?! ???? They toned down the characters and cut back on 95% of the humor. I am SUPER DISAPPOINTED that it wasn't funny at all. They tried to make some of the beginning scenes funny, but without proper BGM, it was just super awkward and cringey.
And because they tried cramming the entire story into a movie, characters aren't given enough time to develop, so they end up being very different from their anime/manga counterpart.
Maybe it's the script or the pacing, but Tsuchiya Tao was super awkward in the beginning, but she got progressively better. Masaki Suda is entertaining as Haru. I think all of the characters were toned down, except Haru, so he feels super over exaggerated. That shade of blonde on Yamaken was just UGLY. The actor for Sasayan was cute, but he's got a mature face IMO. He looks like he's in his mid to late 30's when he's only 27 (and playing a highschool student).
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