I eerily got reminded how rampant corruption is not only in prison but is related to the medical component in so many different ways as well. This drama is also full of ups and downs.
Yoon Eun Hye eerie similarities....but to the extreme in this one.
Same story different settings.
Same story different settings.
Just that gangster theme and ironically homelessness was a big factor as well....but definitely gangsters galore=)
I am surprised no other recommendations for this. If you preferred the love story when they were younger but not of the main leads but girl with the step brother than this is the drama for you.i watched tree of heaven first so I didn't get the connection but I think tree of heaven was made with these 2 specific characters in mind or maybe they wanted this actress and actor they did have great chemistry in stairway to heaven. The younger couple. And tree of heaven was released 3 yrs later.. ..Both just tearjerkers. Oops ok I just saw others did recognize the 2 drama similarities.