In this episode there were 3 moment when i thought that Lee Kang To's secret was already out. First at the begining, when mok dan was captured, then when mok dan was going to sit in nail box - I thought, Kang To was about to burst, and the last at the end when imperial police with shunji caught up with Dam Sa Ri and his team... they were most epic moments.
while watching this episode i was sitting on the nails too. It was truly the best episode, i think i'll die till another ep comes out. i can't wait till than...
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Can't wait till next episode, I think the next one will be amazing and exciting episode. :)
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ok first of all i should say none of the moments in this drama was annoying, but writers usualy prefer to make everything banal in last minutes (i'm angry about master's sun). I was happy that there was no airport scene (phew) and things like "i love you but i can't be with you (well, park si on did it for a bit but it was over in a moment)" so i was pretty much happy with the ending. BUT what was the best was park ki woongs presence in the last minutes.. yeah it made my day. I suddenly imagined how lee kang to was scolding shunji :D (since i love both actors i was extremaly happy too see tham together one more time). I would love it if park shi on became the person from cha eun soo's dream (u know, that handsome joo won running with her in the park and so on) even it didn't happen it was still good (oh i almost wrote drama review not episode's) :D

Lee Kang To is really in a big trouble. almost everyone knows that he's Gaksital and shunji... waah, he became truly evil, till now i could see that old kind teacher in him, but not anymore. till now i was able to put p with his actions but know he crossed the board. i hate shunji!!!
i'm looking forward to the next episode, i bet there'll be nothing good for Lee Kang To... poor him..
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