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Wulin Heroes chinese drama review
Wulin Heroes
2 people found this review helpful
by aqil3s
Apr 19, 2023
22 of 22 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0


the story is about the FL who is born as female ginseng fairy. she was innocent and gullible and always trust the wrong guy, falls for the wrong guy and end up asking the ML to save all this evil guy. Each time that happened, she will always end up getting killed, wrongly accuse, and died. And the ML will always listen to her, help her to save the evil guy that she falls in love with, and end up seeing her dead, and burried her and help her reborn again. But eventually the FL falls for the ML, and unfortunately ML is cursed and cannot falls in love, or he will died of heartbreak.
Overall the drama is very relaxing, funny, and enjoyable. And full of LOVE of course ! Super loves how the ML silently and patiently listen to the girls and help her every single time and protect her.

I think this is the best act done by Li Hong Yi. Always his fans, but i tell you i'm not being biased, but his acting in this drama is much better that previous project of his. that even the director compliment him on this. Actually i think li hong yi always pick the best project for himself. Of course i love him and his acting the most in Queen Lau drama. But i think he is really suitable with this kind characters.

For FL, i love her in To Get Her, but somehow i felt other actress can fit this FL character better than her. Throughout the whole drama she is being gullible and stupid. But still got lots of fighting scenes and scene where she need to show her strong facade, strong resolute and i think she failed at that. Maybe because she is too baby face and also the make up makes her looks cute instead of cool. And even on the cute part where she keep confessing her love, it supposed to be cute and send us over the moon, but somehow quite so-so.
So i believe some one else can fit the as the cast better.

music is quite okay. i love both opening and ending song, and OST that they played through out the drama. of course i'm being biased, cause one of it is sung by Hong Yi with his soothing voice. hahaha

I just rewatched all my favourite scene !!! the drama is super cute and sweet !!! the ML guy is sweet. hahaha i want that guy in real life !
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