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baby inzhagi

Japan, Chiba

baby inzhagi

Japan, Chiba
Miss Monte-Cristo korean drama review
Miss Monte-Cristo
1 people found this review helpful
by baby inzhagi
Jul 3, 2021
100 of 100 episodes seen
Overall 1.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Waste of Time

One of the worst revenge drama that I have ever watched. I have high expectation on this drama from the very start that I have watched the trailer. As I have started the drama, I was really really disappointed on how to story goes on and on. This story lacks the conventional elements of revenge. Actually, the title's name is so catchy but will deceive you for the 100 episodes to make the viewers annoyed and draggy. Most episodes are only 70% fillers and an empty shell. I also doesn't like the cast they choose except for Ha Joon and the veteran actors the parents of the characters they act better than the main leads. Miss Monte Cristo should have been better if they have cut off the episode for 30 episodes only. What's the point of the suspense tag if it's really that predictable? They should have choose Yoon Ah Jung or Seo Woo as Eun Jo and SoYi Hyun as Oh Hara... they chose the too typecasted cast they should have given a chance to other actresses!
The things that I am disappointed with Miss Monte Cristo:
I don't like how they made Sun Hyeok be that cowardice
I don't like how they made Eun Jo dirt her hands by making Se Rin's father die
I don't like how they made Eun Jo weak and getting obstacled by her revenge because of Sun Hyeok and Hoon
I really hated the most when seeing Hwang Ji Na die in the middle episodes! It would have been better Hwang Ji Na didn't have dementia and kept alive to see Ga Heun returning back as Eun Jo and witness how Byung Gook and Eun Hwa was punished by the law
I am really disappointed with the story ends like living you in a cliff hanger where Eun Jo is going to be investigated
The ending would have been proper if Hwang Ji Na is still a live and Eun Jo chose to be single rather than being with Sun Hyeok oppa... how weak :/
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