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Boarding House #24 korean drama review
Boarding House #24
1 people found this review helpful
by casivea
Sep 10, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I started watching this for VIXX's Ken, but was surprised by how enjoyable the entire show was. I've generally had trouble finishing dramas for prolonged annoyance with any fillers/drawn-out plot lines, but this show was nicely short and easy to finish. It helps that the actual drama was a riot as well! Seriously funny as hell. I thought this would be more serious going into it (you know the whole "father lost his kid" plot) but I'm glad it turned out to be a comedy. I don't know, it made the story more bearable, and the times it was serious felt natural.

The acting was pretty amazing too. I don't have that keen of an eye for good acting, but I can definitely tell what bad acting is, and no one really entered that category. Bang In's actor sometimes overacted but I felt that it worked for his character and wasn't too distracting. Everyone else played their role well. The old man, Saeun, and Dohee were standout actors though.

Honestly I was surprised by how heartwarming this drama was? Episodes 8 and 9 made me cry. I came out of episode 8 feeling so good and wholesome. Again, it's because this drama doesn't take it seriously. The little messages at each episode come off as just good fun, and that's it. I agree with everyone else when they said the characters were the best part; everyone was so real and their struggles at the age of 24 (a central plot point) felt realistic and understandable. Saeun's character was my favorite and I was constantly waiting for more news on her backstory.

Also for all the K-pop fans, the constant idol jokes were much appreciated. I had a hearty laugh at the gimmick involving Hyunyoung (Rainbow). The music was all right I guess, I don't remember it. The casual promos for K-pop songs sung by the actors were funny when they showed up (VIXX was promoting Error at the time).

TL;DR: Great show that caught my attention because it didn't take itself seriously and ended up being wholesome and engaging as a result.
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