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Draw the Line chinese drama review
Draw the Line
0 people found this review helpful
by Drama Tea
Mar 13, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A different, refreshing role for Cheng Yi and a fascinating look at life in China.

Admittedly, I chose to watch Draw the Line because of Cheng Yi, an actor I noticed since watching probably my favourite wuxia of the 2020s, Mysterious Lotus Casebook.

I just wanted to see him in something different; something without long hair and hanfus. And he is pretty good in Draw the Line.

The good:
- The performances of the cast is great, especially veteran actors like Jin Dong and Chen Kang, who plays Fang Yan's mentor.
- Believe it or not, the nationalistic moments are sometimes endearing. I think I'm so used to the cynical depictions of politicians and civil servants in dramas that it is refreshing to see the government regarded positively. But this is not always so. The public has some strong words about judges and their decisions, and some even react violently.
- The show has been lauded for its accuracy in depicting the Chinese legal system and profession. As we learned from the Yang Yang drama, Fireworks of My Heart, this doesn't always happen, so it's nice to see something closer to reality.
- I find it so cute that Fang Yuan and Zhou Yi's mum tried almost immediately to matchmake him with his arch nemesis Ye Xin, and his utter horror at this development. Makes for so many comedic moments in the show!
- I enjoyed Cheng Yi's character because it was so different from his usual angsty, blood-spitting wuxia roles. Here he is sassy and gossipy. Definitely a political animal, but with a heart!

The bad:
- The subtitles can be ... dire.
- There are jingoistic moments that can rub some people the wrong way. But let's remember that movies or dramas from any country can be jingoistic in its own way. China isn't unique in this.
- Some cases can be boring, and towards the end of the show, it seems to loose steam somewhat as we get more involved with the personal lives of our judges. Maybe it comes down to my taste but I'm not really interested in people's romantic lives lol.

I know the subs are not great, but if you are up to the challenge, I encourage you to watch it case by case. Each case has about three to four episodes. Just have Pleco and Lensa at your side when you watch it lol.

I find the cases fascinating, even more so that they're based on real cases!

If you're curious about how the Chinese legal system works, how the legal profession is and society in China, this drama could be worth a watch for you.

You can watch the drama on Youtube.

As usual, this post is an edited version of my full-length review:
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