I've been jumping around (skipping scenes in) Princess Agents a lot so sorry if this is completely a completely off recommendation..
but some of the character personalities are very similar.
XE is like QingSuo- others controlling their life, losing memory of their past, stuck in love triangle, stuck with someone who they kinda hate but end up loving
Yu WenYue similar to Yu WenYong (yeah even their names are similar)- royalty, cold on the outside and warm on the inside, always mistaken by their love
but some of the character personalities are very similar.
XE is like QingSuo- others controlling their life, losing memory of their past, stuck in love triangle, stuck with someone who they kinda hate but end up loving
Yu WenYue similar to Yu WenYong (yeah even their names are similar)- royalty, cold on the outside and warm on the inside, always mistaken by their love