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my living room


my living room
Oh My Baby korean drama review
Dropped 12/16
Oh My Baby
23 people found this review helpful
by cocovanne
Jul 3, 2020
12 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

It was disappointing

It was disappointing.

The synopsis was different - a single woman trying to have a baby on her own in such a conservative society. I was enraptured and I thought this show would break barriers and challenge norms. Throw in Jang Na Ra and what more can one ask for. I was all in and committed. And so it was for the first four episodes and I was standing with Ha Ri's convictions.

Then the biggest catastrophe happened. The show did a complete 360 and dropped every cliche imaginable becoming a regular played out trope. It was as if they had felt they had pushed the limit too far and feared the repercussions. So what did they do? They went back to the original formula. Girl meets boy, they both fall in love, add a love triangle, drunken scenes, away trip, forced break up, get back together and happily ever after.

Sounds familiar right?

Maybe because you've seen it in a dozen other shows.

I felt like I was catfished.

After the show fell into this trap I must admit I sped through, skipped some episodes and landed straight to the end. The forced ever after just cemented my disappointment. They took this wonderful idea that could have represented real life struggles for some women and made it a cliche. I wished they had committed to the original idea and made this a worthwhile drama.

New watchers are welcome to view this show as you will see all these scenes with fresh eyes. As for the veterans - it's the same old with nothing new.
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