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Use for My Talent chinese drama review
Use for My Talent
0 people found this review helpful
by dhyen31
Oct 16, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

Shen yue nailed it

Shen yue always have chemistry to her male leads.
Looking forward for another project with Jasper Liu again.They both nailed their characters. I dont care if its remake. For me they both give justice to their roles.
1. I dont care it is remake but definitely it exceeds my expectation.
2. OST super love it
3. Age gap not noticeable, they both have superb chemistry.
4. Ratings in douban app is low but that app is full of haters. Underrated in China but a hit international.
5. Shen yue acting improves a lot
5. More team up with Jasper Liu please.
6. Shen yue is a gem in chinese industry
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