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Shopping King Louie korean drama review
Shopping King Louie
0 people found this review helpful
by dhyen31
Jun 13, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

Nam JiHyun shiii and Seo In Guk CHEMISTRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

I know I was 8 years late to make a review with this light drama romcom. I like how Nam Jihyun and seo in Guk execute their characters as Bok Shil and Ji Sung (Louis). Honestly I watched so many dramas of jihyun after watching suspicious partner and I am so surprise that she has chemistry with all her male leads. For this drama my opinion is that the second lead is way older for jihyun and I must say that the detective can suits as the second lead because his soooo handsome also hahahaha. No Second lead syndrome for me. I like also the OST of this drama, the other supporting actors and actresses. Overall, this is 10/10 drama for me and definitely rewatch again. Kudos for Jihyunshi and Seo In guk!!!!!!!
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