This drama was produced by Amy Wong, the one who are responsible creating a classic drama with rich plot and deep character such as Burning flames series, brothers keeper, lord of shanghai, daddy cool, hard fate and so on..
The good thing is she succeeded once more in creating a classic drama. The drama have a very rich plot and a very deep and complex character.
The storyline
Based on hong kong stock market, the storyline moves across many years in time, so the character will surely have many twist and turns..
The most interesting character is Eddie cheung, u will see many sides of him from the first epiosde until final episodes.
Every episodes are very engaging, exceptionally on last 10 episodes.. the 3 best friends also have good chemistry on early episode, but their friendship less portrayed when the story moves on.
The drama itself cover so many ethics aspect, and ups and downs in the world of business and stock market.. and most importantly, the GREED which drives a person to the most extreme measures he can do..
About the acting, i can say Eddie cheung is the best one in here. Edwin siu is good, but his acting more or less like in other drama such as brothers keeper. Elaine yiu also have good acting in here, as in her other dramas.
This drama is definitely worth to take a glance of it. U will not regret it.
The good thing is she succeeded once more in creating a classic drama. The drama have a very rich plot and a very deep and complex character.
The storyline
Based on hong kong stock market, the storyline moves across many years in time, so the character will surely have many twist and turns..
The most interesting character is Eddie cheung, u will see many sides of him from the first epiosde until final episodes.
Every episodes are very engaging, exceptionally on last 10 episodes.. the 3 best friends also have good chemistry on early episode, but their friendship less portrayed when the story moves on.
The drama itself cover so many ethics aspect, and ups and downs in the world of business and stock market.. and most importantly, the GREED which drives a person to the most extreme measures he can do..
About the acting, i can say Eddie cheung is the best one in here. Edwin siu is good, but his acting more or less like in other drama such as brothers keeper. Elaine yiu also have good acting in here, as in her other dramas.
This drama is definitely worth to take a glance of it. U will not regret it.
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