Overall rating is actually an 8.5.
The following is an Everything HONEST Review. Sarcasm up ahead. You have been warned.
Taiwanese drama. You love its comedy, predictable plot, bitchy female leads, annoying subplots, plot conviences,sexy kiss scenes, and likeable first female, Watch as this drama completely shits on this tradition with the exception of sexy kiss scenes. Mhhhhmmmm Peter. Mhmmmmm Xiao Ming.
Meet Xia Mo, the most manipulative female lead since...I can't compare her to another Taiwanese character. Damn I need to expand my list. Watch as she use guys for money, use guys for jealousy, use guys to rise to the top; things a first female lead wouldn't do. She does this in order to help her ill brother, help her friends, help her enemies, and repay for her mistakes; things a first female lead would do. Most REALISTIC female lead ever. She will be given the HARDEST choice ever. Get it because the guys have HARD abs. Chose between an OVERBEARING rich guy that gets jealous regardless of who she is with or an INSINCERE self made rich guy that does not trust her.
Fathom at how a show can jump to five years after five minutes only to play a flashback every episode. Seriously what was the point? A show where it is hard to tell who she'll end up with until you figure out who is the first male lead. A show who's message is more than a love story, but a story about a girl who will do ANYTHING for the guy she truly loves.... her brother.
I'm a Barbie girl in a barbie world (Hsu Barbie)
Liu Kang(Luo Xi)
Family Guy(Peter Ho)
Summer Desire... I figured out who she was going to end up with in episode 7... new record!
Cliche Counter
Male Lead is rich
Male Lead becomes rich
Female Lead becomes rich
Snobby rival
Dorky best friend
Ill loved one
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