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  • Join Date: December 11, 2023




public list
> 2024 watches

series i watched in 2024, ranked best to worst (based on how much i enjoyed them).

71 titles
public list
> 2025 watches

series i watched in 2025, ranked best to worst (based on how much i enjoyed them).

3 titles
public list
> excellence in storytelling (plot)

This list is a ranking of the series plots that I find to be the best in quality. Regardless of other production elements, these series achieved…

13 titles
public list
> marathon spiral

typically, i either watch shows while they are airing (live) or one episode a night. these are the shows that broke my resolved and were wildly…

15 titles
public list
> excellence in production (lighting design)

The list where I put my opinions on the lighting design in BL series, as a former lighting design professional.

8 titles
public list
> excellence in storytelling (character development)

This list is a ranking of my favorite characters. Regardless of other plot or production elements, these characters have satisfying, consistent,…

10 titles
public list
> excellence in prodution (costume design)

The list where I put my opinions on the costume design in BL series, as a former costume shop employee.

8 titles
public list
> excellence in production (cinematography)

The list where I put my opinions on the cinematography in BL series, as an unqualified theatre professional.

7 titles
public list
> top directors (thai)

Ranked list of the strongest Thai directors (in my opinion), including the works I've seen and thoughts on their styles/strengths.

6 people
public list
> parasocialism ranks

Ok, first of all. In this house we do parasocialism in a healthy and god-honoring way. You will not catch me stalking these people or sending…

2 people
public list
> top actresses (thai)

Ranked list of the strongest Thai actors (in my opinion), including the works I've seen and thoughts on their acting styles/strengths.

7 people
public list
> lgbtv night

the qls i have watched with my friends and their opinions

17 titles
public list
> top actors (thai)

Ranked list of the strongest Thai actors (in my opinion), including the works I've seen and thoughts on their acting styles/strengths.

10 people
public list
> made me cry

just a list of shows that made me cry, listed alphabetically, with a comment on what part (if applicable) **not spoiler free**

13 titles
public list
> 2023 watches

series i watched in 2023, ranked best to worst (based on how much i enjoyed them).

25 titles