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Mouse korean drama review
1 people found this review helpful
by gaz
Feb 28, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

watch it!!!!

whether youve been spoiled or never heard of this show watch it , i think its one of those shows that will never stop being talked about , it is like revolutionary to me despite having watched over 100 kdramas. i dont think its perfect and it has issues and the plot description barely tells you anything this show is packed with soooo mucch.
reasons why its so good:
lee seung gi shines in this
lots of material/ amazing to binge watch it had me on the edge of my seat with my jaw dropping multiple times
even if you got spoiled theres so much more this show has to offer even if i told you how it ends or any big reveals!!!
filmed beautifully (at least compared to other stuff i watched) id say this is one of the best filmed dramas
keeps you engaged throughout (although i found myself thinking one part was slow, but it didnt even matter bc this show is like so many things going on you dont even realize it)
high quality

seriously ive wasted my time with so many shows and this is probably the most exciting and thrilling one ive ever watched
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