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In a Good Way taiwanese drama review
In a Good Way
10 people found this review helpful
by hakuna_matata
May 17, 2014
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
Just watched the last episode and I knew the ending will turn out like this. Many people might be shocked by the decision made by Liu Chuan, but I actually find that it is the best way to end the story. Yes I am extremely supportive with Liu Chuan and Jia En couple, which is also why I am glad that Liu Chuan has made such decision. This shows how much he has loved her, this shows how much he wanted her to have freedom, and this is the real Liu Chuan we know. Furthermore, the purpose of this drama is not romance, it is to learn the real meaning of freedom. But I am still quite dissatisfied of the ending as it seems quite rushed. It doesn't show what happen to the casts after a year, we can't get a single clue of whether they have learnt and found their own freedom. Overall, the story plot was satisfying. It was quite rare to have a 90s era drama. I love how the crew made much effort to set up the scenes in the 1990s, like the beepers, the watches and especially the songs. Listening to the soundtracks just make us recall our childhood times, ahhhh nostalgia. Even the actors and actresses portrayed their own characters very well - I could actually see the development of many characters, how much they had matured from episode 1 till the last episode, especially Ren Wei. I love him more and more when I used to find him annoying in the first few episodes. Nevertheless, this drama taught me many things, and the whole story is really meaningful. A very unique plot which I have never watched before. A drama worth watching unless you are really into romance genre.
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