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Tale of the Nine-Tailed korean drama review
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
0 people found this review helpful
by daredevil
Jul 23, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

A good joy ride into the Gumiho’s past!

Spoiler alert!
We happen to value things which we either don’t have or used to have. The former is out of control for most of us and most of us are mere mortals who can’t do much but regret the latter for not having cherished it enough when we had it. But our ML being a Gumiho (and not a mere mortal) in a fantasy world gets the opportunity to build some more memories with his brother lee rang who is dead in lee yeon’s time.

Things I appreciated:
It showcases good face-offs between lee yeon and some powerful villains as well as friends (you will know what I mean). At times I was afraid that our ML might get beaten or severely injured (even though we know he was meant to bounce back). The most appealing and attractive aspect of this season was the battle with the perfect impersonator jang san-beom. It’s a pretty unique and fascinating idea to witness. The path of the damned gives the kind of mysterious and horrifying twist to the plot I love.
The use of pure Japanese throughout many scenes in the show was also likened by me. I watch Chinese and Japanese dramas as well, so being subject to two languages at once was something that felt really amazing.
This season presents humour with pretty good timing and broadens our knowledge of lee yeon’s friends and acquaintances. This one doesn’t have any romantic elements to it like the first season. Overall I appreciate the showrunners displaying different themes in the two seasons. I would like it if season 3 goes back to the romance between Lee-yeon and Ji-ah.
Lastly, we all know - “She is there”

Things I couldn’t:
Old-fashion rice cooker deity!? Toilet deity!!? Seriously? This made me disappointed for something with the standard of “tale of the nine-tailed”.
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