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Nevertheless, Episode 9
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Jun 25, 2024


nevertheless, i actually liked it.when this drama was airing i heard so many bad opinions, about the project in general and the characters/relationship. i watched the first episodes and then dropped it because i wanted to prioritize others dramas that i liked more, but than this year i thought "why not" and i enjoyed it, the acting its really good with all the actors and actress, the cast is good and the couples matched perfectly, they all had the chemistry needed. but there some things that i didn't liked, obsviously.of course all the couples had their problems, ji wan was incredibly dependant emotionally on sol, so much that it was annoying. it's ok to like someone like she liked sol, but she didn't want sol to live like a normal person, having other friends besides her, going in places without her like GURL what the hell, your friend/lover have a LIVE, she wanted sol to live for her and in any point the drama talked about this.well, so going further to the other couple, bit na and the bald guy, i hate her chatacter, i hated her personality, she was arrogant, greedy and didn't like gyung hun for what he was, she just wanted to go back with him because she saw she was losing him for good and i bet, people like her (and like jae eon) they don't change, its really hard for a person like them change so fast like they tried to show on this drama. and going to the our main couple, i liked their chemistry and i liked both of them, but not together and not as a couple. i couldn't be mad a na bi for once because i'm a borderline person, so i can't judge her for her attitudes, i did the same as her so many times, with so many boys, i put myself in so many ridiculous relationships because of my problem. i really did envolve myself with guys like jae eon, some worse than him so i saw myself on her so many times. it was really annoying seeing how he manipulates her so she would feel wrong to treat him the way he needs to be treated at (like the time she "broke up" w/ him) and the times the story makes us feel pity for him when he starts to "really" like her and notice that HE was wrong all the time, but like i said, people like him, guys or girls like him doesn't change quickly like they tried to show on the story. or not. because until the end she says "i'll regret being with you, but i'll still do", she knew that, she was aware of that but the lack of self love it was her ending, when someone with this lack of love like she has and i do meet someones that doesn't want to envolve themselves in a relationship and just want to hang out with everyone, this happens. jae eon was romanticized by her the whole time, she knew but couldn't get out of their relationship because she was traumatized by her last relationship, a toxic one, and she put herself in another toxic guy, because when u get out of one, its so easy to put yourself in another closed to the last, so yeah, i couldn't blame her.and what i liked the most about this k-drama was not just the aesthetic pleasantly sets, places and the art, but how realistic the drama is, even hating some characters sometimes, the relationships, the friendships and everything was so real, i saw their groupd of friends, their personalities, the bad things they do and i can see clearly my coleagues, my friends. thats the world, the yound adult world. so yeah, i liked the drama for that and i don't recommend to everyone. but 7/10 because the production is good, the cinematography is so good, the art, the aesthetic and everything about it was cool to watch :)

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