This time, the ghost story didn't grab me as much as, for example, He's Coming To Me, because there were also elements of horror. On the other hand, everything is professional Korean and 100% gay, so I don't regret the overall satisfaction and time.
This time, the ghost story didn't grab me as much as, for example, He's Coming To Me, because there were also elements of horror. On the other hand, everything is professional Korean and 100% gay, so I don't regret the overall satisfaction and time.
Příběh s duchařinou mě tentokráte tak nevzal, jak např. He´s Coming To Me, neboť zde byly i prvky hororu. Na druhé straně ale vše profi korejské a 100% gay, takže celkově spokojenost a času nelituji.
This time, the ghost story didn't grab me as much as, for example, He's Coming To Me, because there were also elements of horror. On the other hand, everything is professional Korean and 100% gay, so I don't regret the overall satisfaction and time.
Příběh s duchařinou mě tentokráte tak nevzal, jak např. He´s Coming To Me, neboť zde byly i prvky hororu. Na druhé straně ale vše profi korejské a 100% gay, takže celkově spokojenost a času nelituji.
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