The way the character of the younger brother behaved, I found it less likeable at first, and as an older brother I would have slapped him. But I respect the story. Otherwise, everything else was ok, even slightly funny at the end.
The way the character of the younger brother behaved, I found it less likeable at first, and as an older brother I would have slapped him. But I respect the story. Otherwise, everything else was ok, even slightly funny at the end.
Jak se chovala postava mladšího bratra, tak to mi bylo zezačátku takové méně sympatické a jako starší brácha bych mu nafackoval. Ale respektuji příběh. Jinak vše ostatní bylo ok, na závěr i mírně vtipné
The way the character of the younger brother behaved, I found it less likeable at first, and as an older brother I would have slapped him. But I respect the story. Otherwise, everything else was ok, even slightly funny at the end.
Jak se chovala postava mladšího bratra, tak to mi bylo zezačátku takové méně sympatické a jako starší brácha bych mu nafackoval. Ale respektuji příběh. Jinak vše ostatní bylo ok, na závěr i mírně vtipné
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