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Ongoing 5/12
Your Sky
1 people found this review helpful
3 days ago
5 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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I only write reviews if I think something is too good.

I know this show may seem a hair unconventional, but honestly, I love it so much. It’s kind of giving slow burn but without the slow burn as they are a “fake couple”. The chemistry the two leads have is amazinggggg, it has me giggling and kicking my feet constantly. The only thing I hate is the fact I couldn’t wait until the whole series aired to watch it because GODDD, I hate waiting a whole week to watch. I would’ve had this series finished in two days. I highly recommend if you’re looking for something light ( it’s at least pretty light in the beginning, could get a little messy as it goes on). But I’m sure you’ll be hooked too if you like cute shows like this one.

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Ongoing 5/8
Spare Me Your Mercy
0 people found this review helpful
5 days ago
5 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Quite a surprise

I’m not going to write some crazy in depth review like a ton of people do for these shows. I’m simply just going to review this on my emotions and how I felt watching this. Personally I am not really a fan of mystery mixed with BL. I am the stereotypical BL lover meaning I love the high school, college and office drama. Given that I have seen almost every BL on Viki and IQIYI, I was just seething for something else to watch. It took my a good thirty minutes to decide if this title is going to be worth my time. But I ended up giving it a shot. So far, the chemistry between the two mains is so/so. I feel the connection they have, but it’s just been such a slow burn which I love and hate, considering the fact that I just binged the first five episodes and now have to wait to see the rest. I was not expecting to love the mystery aspect of this. I think the cliff hangers and the not knowing is really hooking me onto this. Well that and just the face that the mains are such eye candy, I’m dying for them to get together. But they are playing this mystery off so well, like I could even tell you what is going to happen next. I also really like the idea of how they are using such a controversial topic as the main hook for the series. It’s risky in the public eye, but they have done it so well. I really would recommend this series, and please pray I don’t loose it before the next episode comes out, the stupid preview for episode six has really got me going crazy.

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Ongoing 8/13
Pit Babe
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 25, 2024
8 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

I am known to be overly dramatic, but hear me out.......

For weeks I have been on the hunt for a good BL to watch. I feel like at this point I have watched almost everything (over exaggeration), but for weeks, I have seen this series everywhere and I continued to avoid it after reading the summary over and over again because of ONE lol. I avoided watching this because of the concept of racing cars. Yesterday, I gave in and I just did it, and I will tell you, I was GAGGED after the first episode, absolutely and completely gagged. I am going to try and review this in a really well thought out and organized way, but bear with me, because I do not do this often.


The story is not what I expected it to be, I generally thought I was going to be bored with the whole concept, but boy, was I wrong. I have never been one for racing, but I have been on the edge of my seat with that whole again, concept. Racing is not really the whole part of the story though, and watching it has made me realize that there is so much more and it feels so complex to me, in a good way. I think that maybe there is a little bit of confusion sometimes when it came to the main story, but when is there not confusion in a BL (with the exception of the eighth sense, my all-time favorite). I think the story was really well thought out and portrayed in such a way that makes you want to keep watching. That's all I really have to say about the story, just STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF AND WATCH IT!!!!!!! (if you feel the same way I did.


The acting is flat out amazing, now I do not know Babe's real name yet and I will learn it soon, but he is outstanding. Everything about his performance has been amazing. Same goes for Charlie. The two of them combined = heart explosion. Their chemistry is and will forever be one of my favorites, they just feel so real and perfect. The side couple, which I haven't gotten into far yet is also going pretty well, I won't name names because it's a slow development so far and I don't wanna spoil it. This show has just done a really great job overall.

I know this is probably a very short and direct review, but this show has taken the words right out of my mouth. I have smiled, laughed, and cried already so much and I still have more to watchhhhh. I am just so invested right now that I had to come here a write a review on this. This show is sooooo different from any Thai BL that I have really seen, with exceptions of course, but I really just highly recommend this show, especially if you are a romance fiend like I am as well as someone who likes a little bit if steam~~.

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Ongoing 1/15
LoveSick 2024
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 15, 2024
1 of 15 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I’ve been trying to wait for the whole series to come out before I watched it because I can’t handle waiting one week at a time but I was bored and needed something to watch. I honestly was not expecting much when I started, I figured it would be just another Thai bl that pretty much follows the same plot line as the other 70% of the shows. To counter this, I literally ended up being hooked before I even finished the first episode. I’ve only watched half of the second episode already but I am SWOONING over the chemistry of the main couple. Like it’s literally so sweet, innocent, and pure, it just has made my heart skip a beat. I know it’s crazy to review after only watch one and half episodes so far but this show has done nothing but make me smile so far. Now I am a little nervous about what kind of drama there is to come, and one can only dream to not have to deal with the emotional heartache of cliffhangers, but I think this show is going to be worth it. I highly recommend if you want something long and very sweet to watch. This could change, but hopefully this show stays sweet and to the point, the main lead seem to be direct, but I’m routing for direct feelings being to be said between the two if that makes sense. ❤️

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