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ace forever


ace forever
Age of Youth Season 2
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 16, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

this drama will be the hit

well i have watch both age of youth and age of youth 2
so they are pretty good age of youth it shows much motions and it also shows lots of feelings
and i truly gotta say love this drama like freinds are freinds and the best thing about this drama is that the actresss did amazing for thier parts by looking out for each other or if something happens or to check on them
even the actors did do a good job to
they did the same thing i love how they text thier girlfriends to see how they are doing and checking on them
but one part i do adore and love is when the guy is ends up being the house owners landlord and he met this girl who moved in to be their roommate and he fells in love with her but she does not have feelings for him but then when he trys to get to not be shy or say things about herself and here was cute is that he tells her she is beautiful and he stands up for her and then at the end of the episode she had feelings for him <.,<.
i gotta add one more thing i am shocked and amzzed that pentagon and ACE ( A.C.E) was in age of youth 2 and was perfomaning but whats very strange is that A.C.E had not many parts in the drama they were just perfomaning but thats ok they were only speical guests as a group

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My Secret Romance
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 16, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 2.0

i loved it

well i gotta say the acting was good
i am gonna give it a thumbs up cause the drama was good
the acting was good but alittle hard to tell cause it was slow well it was slow till the end but like i said it was good and stunning i loved it
so i recommned you guys to watch it
i really do love have the girl gets shock every time the guy looks into her eyes and kiss her it was full of butterflys
it was cute
so ya
i do also like the little kid how he enjoyed the girls boyfriemd which she did say she not dateing but it tells she is but the kid robbed my heart hes so cute.
not to much big issue of the drama it was just slow in some scenes,
i think everyone did a an awsome job at acting in this drama perfect aim of acting the feelings and emotions didnt really hit me but i felt it for some love parts or sad parts but good good so far.

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