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Who Are You: School 2015 korean drama review
Who Are You: School 2015
0 people found this review helpful
by lianavine
Jan 1, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Worst Case of Second-Lead Syndrome

I did really enjoy this show overall and it was a good filler show when I didn't know what to start. I will say though, Tae-Gwon would have been a wayyyy better suitor for Eun-Bi. Yi-An was in love with Eun-Byeol for 10 years and has all these memories with her so it doesn't feel as satisfying that he switched teams after Eun-Byeol came back. On the otherhand, Tae-Gwon and Eun-Byeol were not even friends at any point and Eun-Bi was the first to understand him and he was finally able to be himself around someone, not just the person they expected him to be. Eun-Bi was also able to open up to him first and she met him first so it just doesn't feel right that she ends up with Yi-An??? Like, I thought it was weird when Eun-Byeol was still 'dead' because he would see Eun-Byeol whenever he looked at Eun-Bi but it was so much worse when she came back because they literally were "more than friends" for like 10 years?? I don't know... I liked the rest of the show but that aspect really bothered me.
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