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A Tale of Two Sisters korean movie review
A Tale of Two Sisters
32 people found this review helpful
by manicmuse
Feb 3, 2012
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This is one of my favorite movies. I watched it expecting just another scary ghost story, but it turned out to be much more original than that. This story unfolds so well that I immediately wanted to rewatch it, and catch all the things I missed the first time. I will admit that the story can be a little confusing at times, and some scenes are very abstract/surreal, but by the end it all comes together brilliantly. Im Soo Jung is really great as Su mi, and I loved the tension between her and Yeom Jeong-ah, and her sweet relationship with Moon Geun Young. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful. The music by Lee Byung Woo has become of one of my all time favorite musical pieces from a film. I just had to have the soundtrack, and it didn't matter that it was mostly different variations of the same awesome song. Acting-Story-Music-Visually... This movie impressed me all around. There was a remake made of this film called "The Uninvited", but the story was completely revamped. Though the remake was entertaining, it doesn't come close to this version. I absolutely recommend this movie! I bought it, and have rewatched it many times.
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