A quick review for a quick film. The Coldest Day (2017), directed by Salomé Dubois, shows Hobin (Park Taesan) being firm in officially parting ways with his ex through getting one of his possessions back but he was unbelievably easily swayed by Jungsoo's (Jungyeon) desperate, mischievous, and calm manner. The actors, with the help of their great acting skills which were so natural, looked like people you'd meet on a street and that helped in making the film seem more realistic. The film was good despite being produced with technical problems and no budget according to one of the comments in this site. In my opinion, those like filler shots (idk the term) on the latter part of the film could've been like more clever. The one and only music isn't that memorable but I feel like it isn't really that important hence a solid 7 rating. The film's actually funny and you wouldn't appreciate it unless you watch it yourself.
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