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We Are thai drama review
Ongoing 16/16
We Are
0 people found this review helpful
by megan
Jul 7, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

My new comfort show! AouBoom main couple WHEN

Went into this show with basically no expectations but OMG I’m in love! I know people are getting annoyed with the “lack of plot” but honestly I’m loving everything about this show. I can admit that we could’ve had 12 episodes and nothing would’ve changed but sometime we need 16 episodes of fluff. I love all the relationships in this show and I ADORE the friendships. I’ve always said my school president is what I wished my high school life was and now We Are is what I wished my uni life was!

The casting is absolutely perfect and I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing these characters. Phuwin and Winny playing besties is everything and I need them in more shows together.

I know there’s A LOT of things in the novel that haven’t been mentioned in the show and I agree that it would’ve been interesting to see how they adapt those moments BUT I’m equally as happy with ignoring the angst and just having a cute, happy show.

I would give it 10/10 but the lack of ChainPun forced me to take off half a star ALSO GIVE AOUBOOM THEIR OWN SHOW
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