I absolutely adored this show. I love the reply series and I want to say that this one might be my favourite. I love how there is more of a family and friends theme in this one! The neighbourhood of Ssamsundong is a neighbourhood I've always wished I've grown up with: having close friends live right beside me, helping each other out and being a close knit family. The cast is wonderful! I just like the simplicity behind the series and how entertaining it was. It is a bit of a long show as it's usually an hour and thirty but I enjoyed every minute of it. It's the type of show that makes you feel like you grew up alongside the characters where you're just a part of the neighbourhood. I loved this drama, it's more than who the husband is (though the person I was rooting didn't end up being the husband). Overall the drama can make you go through a roller coaster of emotions and made me feel nostalgic in a time period I wasn't even born in.
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