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TharnType thai drama review
8 people found this review helpful
by minghao
Apr 13, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 5
Overall 5.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers
[Before reading this review please note that when I originally posted it I wasn't aware of the novel. While I stand by this review of the series, I don't think it is reflective of the novel if talking to other people is anything to go by. So maybe read the novel yourself before watching?]

Before we start this review, let's meet the cast. To your left you have Tharn 'I'm only a top when I'm being creepy but I'll bottom if I'm in love with you' and to your right you have Type 'I really hate gays, except this one. This is the gay man I'm dating but that doesn't make me gay.'

The relationship in this drama is beyond unhealthy. It glorifies manipulation and confrontation instead of trust, understanding and communication. If either one of the leads were female, everyone would be dropping this drama like there is no tomorrow. I will admit the two leads have an amazing amount of chemistry and much like a car crash about to happen, you can't stop watching them. However, the sheer amount of chemistry doesn't make up for the terrible story telling.

[Redacted as it contained some pretty sizable spoilers.]

I watched it after reading rave reviews about how this is the most groundbreaking BL drama ever with amazing chemistry. I gravitate towards dramas with cohabitation and great chemistry regardless of gender so it seemed like a no brainer to pick this up but I have to go against the grain and say this was a terrible story who got lucky with the cast.
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