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From Me to You japanese drama review
From Me to You
1 people found this review helpful
by ElaEnchanted
Apr 8, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
At first, I did not really expect much from this series. I have watched the movie first, then I found the anime way back 2015 I guess and then I felt like the anime wasn't complete yet so I searched for the manga and read it.
I may not be the top fan for the title of this story, but I can say that I am familiar with the characters. Though to compare on the actors from the movie to the drama, and I know its not fair to do so, but the movie having Haruma Miura has more charm than the ML here. Oh but he (Suzuki Ouji) grew on me as the episodes went on. I start to see his charm later on. For the FL , Minami Sara, well, the style is not Sadako/Sawako-like. The Sawako on the story in the story was so supposed to look awkward, a little creepy, that's why her classmates either ignore her or avoid her, to the point of believing that when you interacted with her, you will be cursed.
For the supporting roles, I think the friends - the actors who portrayed Ayane, Chizu, and Ryu gave justice to the role. They are almost what I can imagine on the characters. My most favorite character or couple here actually are Chizu and Ryu, and I love the actors who portrayed them. Also what I like about this series is that they also have scenes or story on them, which is also in the manga and anime. And also the sensei, Pin, is also cool and more like the anime character.
And plus part is that, Kento is also here, which was not on the movie. I love the almost completeness of the story which was seen in the anime.
Story is still light and fun in its own way, the way a high school love story should really be.
I never really expected to like it this much that I felt like doing a review again after years on my last one.
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