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Forecasting Love and Weather korean drama review
Forecasting Love and Weather
2 people found this review helpful
by oldguyus
Mar 23, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Not great, but pretty good. I don't agree with the really bad ratings

TBH, my wife and I started this some months back and dropped it since it seamed very slow. And we were not sure about the acting. But we decided to give it another try and watched all the way through. Yes, it is a bit slow, but we still found it engaging and after a few episodes got into the story. There was a lot of voice overs that were quite philosophical and featured analogies with the weather, which I thought was very cool. The series tried quite hard to be thoughtful. Perhaps this is not come folks' cup of tea, but I liked it. The acting was good, I thought, from both the main and secondary couple, and the other characters as well.

As others have noted, it is NOT a RomCom, but is more serious and has quite a few sad parts. But it ends well.

Summary: It is not an Epic series, it is not a RomCom, but it is pretty good and I think worth a watch.
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