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The Good Wife korean drama review
The Good Wife
1 people found this review helpful
by olewis
Sep 25, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Faithful adaptation that includes refreshing additions to the OG

As a big fan of the American OG series (at least of the earlier seasons), I thoroughly enjoyed this remake. I was especially impressed with how it smoothly conveyed the original's characters and plotlines while adding Korea or K-drama specific adaptations; it felt like a very uniquely blended piece of media. Not to mention condensing 3 seasons' worth of storylines into 16 episodes.

Jeon De-Yeon is excellent as always playing Hye-gyung (Alicia) and has great chemistry with Joong-won (Will). Also love the creative liberties the screenwriters took with their plotline! Feels incredibly cathartic to have this do-over after the trainwreck of the OG's later seasons.

My main criticism (apart from the ending being kinda random) is that with such a limited runtime, some of the supporting characters, like Myeong-hee (Diane) and Dan (Kalinda) get less screentime, although whatever they have, they shine in. And some of the characters who were so intricately nuanced in the original, like Tae-joon (Peter) and Joong-won (Cary) come across more 1-dimensional in this version. Also, it took about 2-3 episodes to get into it, but after that, I binged to the end.

Regardless, the Good Wife (2016) is a great show in its own right, and I highly recommend to fans or newcomers to the series!
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